
Ambulatory age spot says what?


The pic of letter has her name and address on it so I don’t want to post it, but here are the pics of the pups that he sent!

You guys! My friend’s seven year old daughter wrote Obama because she was upset about people abandoning animals at animal shelters. SHE GOT A LETTER FROM HIM YESTERDAY! A real letter! With a real signature! It wasn’t just a form letter - he acknowledged the things she said in her letter and agreed that, yes, we need

Oh I didn’t even know about this. Wonderful!

How awful. Do you have the ability (money) to get some professional help? I have moderate anxiety (not death) and it can be debilitating. Especially in someone so young.

Yikes. I’m sorry :( I’m sure there must be some decent resources online (I have a lot of faith in the internet - my faith is proportional to my distrust/horror haha) to provide some guidance for how to talk about these things/how to talk about death with someone who has severe anxiety about the topic... At least I

Same. My 14 could barely sleep over the news. With Brock Turner on the news and the constant ex boyfriend killings and now Christina, she said she just can't trust guys. I can't say I blame her and it saddens me that she already feels that way but with social media, young girls have this culture in their face 24-7. By

My 14-year-old daughter was a big fan, and is really upset about this. We’re having some fairly deep conversations about gun control, misogyny and rape culture this morning, and it’s breaking my heart to watch as the reality of these issues becomes clear to her.

Saddest game in the world. :(

It’s interesting that you bring up the father’s rights thing because it’s totally true, except my only experience of it is from the other side, so to speak. My best friend’s husband had a kid with a glorified one-night stand in early college, and in their case, the biological mother is the crazy and abusive one.

That is the typical MRA response. The draft. Men are discriminated against because of the draft. So until every woman in every country has to register we need to shut up about the violence we face. Not that any of these men want women in the military, no way in hell. Those lady parts are too weak and emotional for

This is Wisconsin.

Visa. It was the first time in my life I wasn’t able to pay the entire balance of my bill, but I didn’t get raped by a coworker who reminded me vaguely of Gollum, so I called the interest charges a win.

You can’t study enough to make your eyes do that. I usually call bullshit on the insanity defense thing, and would love to in this case, but healthy people can’t fake exophthalmos.

The woman card gets us a ‘free’ drink we never asked for, but cordially accept for fear of repercussions and then get called a bitch slut for not leaving with the buyer.

That is a really clever turn of phrase. I have to check the time difference between here and say, Kentucky.

I don’t care if someone believes that “Horton hears a Who” is fact based, as long as they don’t legislate that I have to believe it or make laws that pertain to others based on the book.

“She thinks you’re shit. And deep down, you know she’s right.”

One of my biggest accomplishments in life is (mostly) swaying my mom away from FOX news and getting her to watch Rachel Maddow.