
Oh man, me. I was totally obsessed with feeding people — I mean, I was also totally obsessed with feeding myself, but couldn’t, so I transferred that on to everyone else. I was in a relationship with an athlete who needed to eat a LOT of calories everyday, and looking back I’m pretty sure that was the major draw.

Okay, that’s not the way I personally would choose to say it and it is a wee bit sensational...and Fox....but isn’t he like, just a wee bit right? I mean, people are probably going to die, and those are deaths that could be prevented. And while some people (who certainly don’t deserve to be guilted) maybe absolutely

Lindy, you have expressed what has been gurgling deep in my soul for quite a while now, after years living in the hipsteriest part of Denver, probably one of America’s most segregated, rapidly gentrifying cities. Hipster racism is definitely a thing. We ignore it because it’s not the “bad kind” of racism, but I