
Predicting the future is hard. Predicting the future with company issued rose-colored glasses on is a public relations attempt at juicing up the valuation of a company. The last person to look to for predictions about corporate anything is the one who stands to benefit from a rise in the stock price.

Not an Amtrak train btw, it was a Norfolk Southern freight.

Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. United figures the greedy public won’t care about getting dragged of a plane until they actually get dragged off a plane, you won’t do this though, you’ll book the cheapest fare. Sheep.

This would require the concept of compromise which as we all know, is a concept that has been banned in the US. Canada and Mexico will probably have great success with it though.

You are supposed to be in control of your vehicle at all times. Conditions appear clear in this instance and while beige should not have pulled into the lane it was not an illegal maneuver, the motorcycle driver was going too fast to be able to stop in an emergency situation like a car coming into his lane. I hope the