
If he had been white and traveling with 1o-15 other white guys and they were all causing enough of a disturbance to involve the captain, demanding the plane turn around? It’s entirely likely it still would have been “an issue”.

I’m not justifying the specifics of how many cops were called or the way the report was handled, and I’m not even saying it was handled correctly, I’m just saying that when you demand a plane turn around for a trivial reason and the captain becomes involved, the police will be waiting for you at the gate. You can

Nah in her mind First Lady is a position where you GET PAID.

Why would the police be called during the Selma Blair incident? She was crying and claiming that abuse was being done to her by someone else.

Yeah I agree. Also it’s super skeevy that Ivanka is influencing him at all seeing as how she has no political power and shouldn’t even be there by all accounts.

Oh no, please don’t misunderstand, I still think they’re all garbage. And I actually think it’s completely ridiculous that he’s listening to policy decisions from his son-in-law (who holds an advisory position but shouldn’t) and his daughter (who holds absolutely no advisory position so shouldn’t be making these kinds

It’s been reported that she and Kushner stopped him from going forward on the anti-LGBTQ executive order.

This is the free market at work, no? Or should a business be FORCED to carry Trump’s line because her daddy is president?

If it makes you feel any better (it definitely won’t) some dickhead GOP mouthpiece on NPR responded to a question about her lack of qualifications by saying that she likely won’t be allowed to make decisions on a state level. Basically saying “Hey it’s okay she’s incompetent because she won’t be allowed to do

I don’t understand why you use surveillance state tactics and equate that with “killing”. I’m not defending surveillance state tactics, but flying drones and spying on BLM aren’t the same as if those drones were shooting protesters and the spies were poisoning BLM members. Spying != killing, and it’s silly to make

Is George Lopez funny to anyone other than himself? I don’t understand.

Tonya definitely knew about the attack before it happened, but she claims she wanted to go to the authorities to warn Nancy and was kept from doing so by her then husband, through some truly horrible actions. So she claims, but I don’t know if there’s any proof or if she was just trying to cover up for herself.

I imagine he’ll go for the “magazines are failing angle” for the grain of truthiness in it.

I mean, most people were Team Kerrigan because Tonya’s people had Nancy’s knees capped.

Wasn’t she JUST taking heat for saying democrats had to work with Trump and meet him in the middle and compromise and whatnot? Good for her calling out Bannon though, I hope she keeps it goin.

Is that supposed to be One Eyed Willy? IIRC his skull lacked the second eye socket.

Still don’t get all the hubbub over the Rob Lowe assistant thing. Seems like basic assistant stuff for a celeb. Have stuff ready if they want it. That’s what a celebrity assistant does. I lift 25 lbs. in my job; not that crazy. It’s not like you have to pick all the non-green M&Ms out of a bowl with your teeth or

Free speech does not guarantee you a forum. You wanna spout your Nazi bullshit go to a street corner like the other ranting shouters of garbage. Book deals and college speaking engagements are not part of the first amendment.


This is what annoys me when people say you can’t punch a Nazi.