One time there was a trending twitter hashtag that was like “political sitcoms” or something and I came up with “Gillibrand’s Island” and I just feel like the internet has never given me enough credit.
One time there was a trending twitter hashtag that was like “political sitcoms” or something and I came up with “Gillibrand’s Island” and I just feel like the internet has never given me enough credit.
Could be. Ricky Ricardo, like Marco Rubio’s parents, and Rafael Cruz, Jr.’s’ father, left Cuba before the revolution.
Call it amnesiastalgia.
Yeah, the 1950s that they fantasize about is just that, a fantasy. They have a nostalgia about a fictionalize version of the past...which really should be a German word. See also their nostalgia towards that amnesty-granting pro-choice gun grabber, Ronald Reagan.
A deeply mediocre team quarterbacked by Nick Foles isn’t exactly a big draw for the citizens of Los Angeles
So like lemme preface this by saying I really only come to Deadspin to make stupid jokes and sometimes make fun of the Gawker crowd and also to be like “Hey guys remember when this was just a vanity project for Will ‘The Man From Mattoon’ Leitch? Did he ever get to be grand marshal of the Bagel Days Parade?” But when…
So did the perps!
Goodell’s been running a 101 fever.
Indeed. Cyclic-dependency detection is critical in any usable build system.
“Hey, are you Rita Ora?”
It’s the catch-22 catch.
Because Rumsfeld, who worked for the Reagan administration when that photo was taken, helped arm Saddam with chemical weapons that years later, George W. Bush, with a little help from the very same Donald Rumsfeld, would take to war with Iraq over, for purposes of disarming Saddam of these very same weapons.
This account has me rethinking my position on both wrestling and Subway.
He’s reportedly half-thrilled to get the chance to coach Colin Kaepernick.
Flesh and Blood is awesome. It’s a Paul Verhooven film, so you know there will be titties. And titties there are. You’ve got Rutger basically playing “himself, but medieval”, a peak-of-hotness (i.e. right around Fast Times) Jennifer Jason Leigh (whom Rutger rutgers in a hottub), all sorts of Hieronymous Bosch-like…
Yeah, it could very well be no one, or another high-as-fuck dude. But as someone who has had some horribly bad drug trips, I can’t imagine thinking that cops are the people to go for help, especially if I were a black man.
RIP Kaep
The children wrote the letters [...] to learn about empathy.
Pretty adorable in the classroom, but I bet it got awkward at recess when he was the last one picked for kickball.