You speed up to 30MPH and brake. Problem solved.
You speed up to 30MPH and brake. Problem solved.
Protip: Voodoo doughnuts are for tourists. Try either Blue Star or Pip’s original for the money-shot cream-filled doughnutty goodness.
So the brand established to fund it’s racing program is content with settling for not being the fastest.
The population of Subarus in Portland is greater than the population of humans in Portland. In fact, the Subarus represent the largest voter contingent in the state of Oregon.
When [Modest Mouse lead singer Isaac] Brock left the scene he backed into a cop car, but he just drove off. Sometimes life is okay.
Fuck these guys.
Some people have way too much time on their hands. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to get back to drinking my gin and tonic and commenting on internet articles.
If the three seats are all molded from the same piece of cf, does it count as a bench?
Now we just need to swap a bench seat and column shifter into it.
His clone probably wrecked him.
Ok. I’ll give you that cat is cool.
Ah, the spindle nut: it is among the most derided nuts in all of nut-dom. This little one on a Honda single-handedly…
I don’t even see it.
Dat leaf spring!
$0.00 down payment, 17.99% interest rate over 84 months, and rolled over the debt from her trade-in. Debt trap sucks.
Only if she’s mentally handicapped or not white.
That’s because they just eat grass, like normal cows.