I'm not for this Open Borders fucking bs. There's way too many Americans out of work, homeless and having issues. And that is one of the reasons the Republicans won.
I'm not for this Open Borders fucking bs. There's way too many Americans out of work, homeless and having issues. And that is one of the reasons the Republicans won.
Yes but who supports mostly gay male fashion designers? Women, as well. These same gay men think that women should look like boards. Who supports them? Women.
Team Martha, even though Martha can be just as insufferable with "the help" by not paying people, and by having ridiculous rules at the NYC offices, and her insufferable mean miserable daughter Alexandra. But underneath it all, I still LOVE you Martha!
Excellent article. Just excellent.
BTW, if you're still in California, based on your USC name, you might like us
I wish another place would come along and take the place of these "social media giants" - fb, twitter, gawker, and now pando is exactly like valleywag. Just one large echo-chamber of leftwing ideology designed to brainwash the non-thinking.
They totally totally suck for putting 99% of their posters into the Grey Ghetto. They blame "gifs", so don't allow pix on this "blog", not so hard for any webmaster/coder to do.
Just an excuse to put us into the Grey Gulag.
Welcome to the Grey Ghetto. We'll never get out. Maybe we should call it Gawker's Grey Gulag.
Welcome to the grey ghetto friend. Un-pc views are all relegated to this. I've been in the grey ghetto for several days and I'm sure I'll never get out.
So your FIL is subletting his apt to you?
Black gossip blogs are reporting that JayZ is seeing Cassie Cohen from another reality show. I say another because like Brangelina, these two had paid photogs following them everywhere & had them posted on all media, a pic reality show.
He's going to lose in court. And he's nothing but a whiney jerk. That joke he did about Sandusky is not funny either, it's OFFENSIVE as hell too. He just lost the case, thank god, and that will be the end of that jerk.
Catastrophizing much? Oh the SKY IS FALLING because the guy said one sentence in a post game review? Get a hold of yourself bitch.
YK, it's my understanding that what is SAID under duress and frustration in between team personnel should stay there. Fuck Kluwe, and I'm pro-LGBTQ - but he's is nothing but a whiney jerk.
They locked the post at Reddit. I feel sorry for her and for him. If she reads this response, my advice is to make time with him when you get back and try to do things together, then make time to be intimate after you spend some bonding time together. Poor girl. Chin up, you can do this, and save your marriage…
Get a friggin' JOB old girl!
Dodging what? The Model-T?
He has plantar fasciitis big time in both feet. That makes one not want to do anything.
Don't they do those Doritos photoshop things on Beyonce all the time? I recall Terry the Perv Richardson doing a Doritos photoshop thigh gap on Beyonce. Hilarious!
Didn't this guy and his bearded brother clan actually go to Harvard or something and major in business? Way to keep in the news, son.