
I couldn’t enjoy utopian fiction these days. The real world is just so bleak and depressing right now that seeing this vision of how perfect things could be just makes it all the more worse when I’m jarred back to reality. It also doesn’t help that I’m now old enough to have realized that the world isn’t going to get

Especially for people who have chronic medical issues like myself, how in the world do you differentiate between a pounding headache caused by allergies, stress, or a brain aneurysm?

This is great, Nick. As someone who is an older millenial who has always voted, I am surrounded in my social circles by any number of millenials who do not vote, many of whom have never voted. I don’t agree with that choice of theirs, and I think it’s wrong, but no amount of cudgeling, insulting, and screaming by our

So much wrong with the clintons, it’s not just a purity test, it’s Hillary helped destabilize Honduras and Libya, making other nations trust us less and giving us no leverage towards dictators and contributed to the humanitarian crisis (if trump had a brain he’d exploit this easy talking point). And Bill signed off on

Several of those opinions are from people living in poverty (and are echoed by many others in the same circumstances) who have seen no change in their dire conditions no matter which of the two parties is running the country.

Why do you absolutely want girls to pursue STEM careers? It is not that great, really. Do you enjoy staying in front of a computer for the entire day, with limited human interaction. I do, because I am passionate, but for most people, it’s hell.

“There are also individuals who are exaggerating what their actual hours were, as we have confirmed their self-reported numbers at the time as substantially lower from what they recall having done in their online postings, and we have offered to share the evidence of that with you if given permission from those

Something I have yet to see any exec from Rockstar address is a simple thing that pretty much no creative professional I know disagrees with:

“The overall tone at Rockstar is that what the company values most is not the bugs you fix but the hours you put in,”
I hear that. When I first started at my relatively small company, I was working my normal salaried hours for weeks until my boss told me that the CEO noticed that I was leaving work on time and that it

You are an assemblage of star dust, a slight enthalpic energy state amongst waves of entropy.  Disparate waves of remnant energy of the universe have slightly overlapped on multiple dimensions to form a small node of interference that is you.  Like a skipped stone creates waves that are still seen after the stone has

Hermit crabs are not a kids pet. They are very hard to keep correctly and require a lot of walk. You will need a large enough tank, a way to keep the humidity high enough 2 bowls of water fresh & salt as they breath through gills so need to keep sea water in their shells and the bowls need to be deep enough to

There is already political wars fought over Great Lakes water. In SE Wisconsin 3 miles from Lake Michigan you could be out of the Great Lakes Watershed and the community can not have access to the lake water and instead have to drill wells (unless you are starting up a giant TV and iPhone factory then you can have

Mike Ilitch was also a slum lord who bought up for foreclosed property around Detroit and let it languish empty and blighted for 20+ years until he got the bankrupt ass city to pay up and buy him a new stadium. He had a net worth of 6 BILLION dollars, the rent he paid was pocket change. He could have done so much

Huh, Girlfriend must be made by the same team as Boyfriend, which I find annoying, but still spend way too much time playing. Boyfriend makes you play all these microtransactions in the prequel sequence “Getting Ready”, and then half the time the game play turns out nothing like it was advertised. Also, thanks to a

USAGE The standard English plural of octopus is octopuses. However, the word octopus comes from Greek, and the Greek plural form is octopodes. Modern usage of octopodes is so infrequent that many people mistakenly create the erroneous plural form octopi, formed according to rules for Latin plurals.

I’d say the idea of “we come together when we have a common enemy” is a universal truth of the human experience. Internal division and strife tend to be set aside when an external threat rears its head.

That said, I was a sophomore in college when 9/11 happened. I remember where I was, what I was doing—and getting

Correct - that is an actual Constitutional crisis.

Yes, that is true. Anyone who is genuinely concerned however can short circuit the majority of these types of tracking just not by carting along your own ID exportation device, or leaving it on at all times. Like any other security issue it isn’t about any one method being the perfect solution, its about layered

Environmental journalism be it blogs or established outlets dropped the ball over the past 25 years on environmental protection matters. Several popular outlets such as Grist, Treehugger, etc tried doing environmental reporting without using the word environment. As if it was a trigger word and would upset cool kids.

Environmental remediation/corrective action has both reality and perception components. There will be hordes of folks circling around a remediation effort who don’t hold responsibility or accountability. This would be the side show of a remedial action, i.e. the perception component. It could include academics sitting