I have never seen nor had one but I want it.
I have never seen nor had one but I want it.
Joke’s on you, my father manages my money for free.
LOL, what’s it like to live in a country that doesn’t include stocks and investments in K-12 education while somehow still managing to feel self-righteous about your knowledge of it anyway?
“The way I describe investment is when you invest in the stock market, what are you really buying? You’re buying the present value of the dividends of the earning of capital gains,” Mindel explained.
Great piece. I have family in Flint but I don’t think I’ve ever even been, so I didn’t know all this history. Thank you for all the work you put into this.
If you wanna play video games where teenagers save the world, you’re gonna have to be subjected to an annoying, high-pitched douchebag a time or two.
Tidus’ voice is pretty annoying throughout, but it fits his character and circumstances, so it didn’t bother me. When you listen to James Arnold Taylor perform the voice for Shuyin in FFX-2, his pitch is way lower, and more natural. He knows how to act, so I have a feeling he just ran with the script or he was coached…
Except I’m the quietest, most introverted/self-reliant, and least-dramatic member of my family, so that just confused me and ended up adding to my pain - I was essentially being gaslighted by my own parents, who didn’t want the embarrassment of a child with major depression.
After Chester Bennington died I published a long blog post about my life-threatening depression in college...but that was five years after it happened. There was absolutely no way I would’ve shared any of that while it was happening, because even the smallest glimpses I gave people that clued them into the fact that I…
A lot of people need external pressure in order to sit down and make time to write, so having that little progress bar there might work best for people who are just starting out or don’t have a great writing community to help motivate them. I naturally write in large, sporadic bursts but that’s not great for finishing…
Word sprints, pushing your settings to a later time zone, free writing, and not deleting anything, even if it’s grammatical incorrect—those are all legit ways to win NaNoWriMo. Life happens, sometimes your brain doesn’t work, I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t use lifehacks to help you get a shiny badge if…
There are certain things on my computer I absolutely would not want my family to see, but I know it would be important for them to have access to my stories, artwork, etc., when I kick the bucket. So I use a folder with a .BAT file in it to hide all my porn, and my documents that I don’t want anyone to see are…
Counterpoint: the Venn diagram of patriots versus nationalists is really just a circle.
I ditched Firefox years ago when it suddenly slowed to a crawl, then I ditched Chrome about five months ago for the same reason. Now I’m using Vivaldi. If someone knows how or where I can find a comparison of the performance of both I’d appreciate it.
Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever heard the full version of the theme song? Weird...but the original is definitely better than the new one. Like, no contest.
I don’t know — it could go either way. (And I don’t think what you’re saying is mean, necessarily; I get it.) I’ve heard plenty of stories of people attempting suicide, surviving, and living long, happy lives. Brushes with death sometimes give you a different perspective. Same with people who were responsible for…
How in the world would she be able to definitively link her contracting the virus to the lipstick? Herpes is everywhere; she could’ve had it all along and just never experienced a breakout. And yeah, if it did come from the lipstick that sucks, but herpes isn’t going to kill you and a little common sense goes a long…
I was suicidal at 12 and my family has been nothing but loving and supportive. Sometimes it’s just bad luck and bad genes.
What a horrible story...I hope that kid gets plenty of therapy and love, because I can’t imagine what kind of guilt this is gonna cause.
How did he know what race she was before he even got there? Southfield is majority black but like, who reaches for a n-bomb out of the blue. ...Oh yeah, that’s right, forgive me: Racist assholes. I’d want to file a PPO against his ass too.