
Yes, you’re still racist. And yes, Americans are xenophobic because humans are insular by nature and our government and representatives have been feeding those flames for centuries now. Be mad all you want; doesn’t change the facts. If you honestly can’t understand how these viewpoints are embedded in our culture and

This looks cool, but how am I supposed to pronounce this? “Yeesh?” Spell it out “Y-S”? What does that even mean?

I liked the Death Note anime well enough, but it was definitely convoluted. A truncated version wouldn’t be a horrible thing, IMO. But they should have just taken the core concept and branded it as something else.

“In the Naruto series, characters often have their hands and arms straight out behind them to decrease air resistance. They have been training for years to increase their leg strength, so they do not need the extra power given by thrusting. You can imitate this run, but you won’t be able to do it as well as Naruto: a

Remember when everyone was rabid for any and every morsel J.K. Rowling revealed about the Harry Potter world, so she told us Dumbledore was gay, then created a fansite, and then revealed that she didn’t think Hermione and Ron really should’ve gotten together, then created a stage play, then a spin-off movie series,

I assume this applies only to washing dishes by hand, because I have a dishwasher that was built in the 70s. That shit ain’t getting no baked in spaghetti sauce off.

I think having children is, at once, one of the most selfish and selfless things one can do.

It honestly looks like Steve Bannon has never drank a glass of water, or touched a vegetable, in his life.

I heard A LOT of criticism from WOC regarding the Women’s I’m going to hold off until they release an itinerary. If there aren’t Black and/or Indigenous women intimately involved in planning this, I’m staying home.

Wow, what an incredible man. I’m worried for him, though. I don’t know if it was smart to identify him by name. Ed Crawford ended up with criminal charges and now he’s dead.

That’s totally fair! It’s true that it’s unreasonable to expect one game to be everything for everybody; we all bring our own baggage to the experience. Unfortunately queerbaiting is so common in media that I think a lot of people, myself included, are going to look at this implicit representation as more harmful than

I’ve accepted that there’s probably microscopic rodent and bug parts in my processed food; I don’t think, however, that it’s unreasonable to draw a line at “fully intact animals that have decomposed and given me significant gastrointestinal distress.”

You are correct, friend! From the Facebook post:

Oh God. My eye is twitching. Please tell me this is a parody.

D: Damn nature, you scary.

Thank you! Now if only we could teach writers to include such important context in their summaries instead of just quoting other sources word for word (including typos) can dream.

But why did it ignite? Does phosphorous burst into flames based on temperature or something?

When my niece was an infant she rolled off a bed and gave herself a black eye. She was otherwise fine, but it was right before we left for vacation and all the adults felt secondhand embarrassment/paranoia that everyone thought we were beating her.

I was first diagnosed as prediabetic last July. She said I was just barely over the normal range and that if I monitored my sugar intake and exercised regularly I’d probably be fine. Almost everyone in my immediate family — dad, mom, grandmother, sister — are also prediabetic/insulin resistant and have been that way

Meh. I think both sides have valid issues but are just being really terrible at expressing them adequately. African-Americans are hypervisible, which means our culture takes priority in media depictions, and because Hollywood is the world’s most prominent and prestigious movie-making machine, it makes sense that