
I don’t understand who’s the market for these. Doesn’t everyone who wanted a 3DS XL already have one? So are you telling me there are loads of people out there buying extra systems just because it has a shiny cover on it? Please tell me who you are so I can rob you.

Sometimes you just need to grab a Coke and a smile and STFU.

Actually, your assumption is pretty much spot on. My brother is a bit of a moron.

My reason is because I’m lazy and don’t like to go to the gas station until I absolutely have to. My brother’s reason is because he’s constantly broke and sometimes doesn’t even have the spare $10 he’d need to get out of the danger zone.

So if I have no intention of buying a 4K TV (which I don’t), there’s basically no point in buying the more expensive console?

Why didn’t any of these lazy outlets bother to ask the boy what HE thought? Isn’t that supposed to be standard practice for—nevermind.

A mini dachshund???? They make them in fun sizes, too???

Thanks, Kotaku! I was planning to buy one this month when I heard about the Sept. 7 announcement. Bought a new TV instead.

I’ve never cosplayed before, since I’ve never had anyone to go with, but this was always a concern when I considered a hypothetical scenario — I’ve heard plenty of stories of Black people being harassed at these conventions. For that reason I always figured I’d cosplay as Katara or Yoruichi from Bleach, but I’m just

LOL. Well true, it HAS been 20 years...

His mother threw him out of the house at 10 years old what did you expect

That’s like saying because someone is a physician, they shouldn’t be unhealthy anymore, because like, isn’t it your job to be healthy??? Except humans are complex and we don’t fall easily into boxes. Your logic only works if you believe that anxiety is a state of mind instead of a debilitating illness...sorry to break

If you’re able to do something with an app without modifying the code or device I don’t see how that would count as “cheating.”

Wow, that synopsis is horrible. It’s so vague and boring I’m already falling asleep.

True. My main problem is ignorance about how to cook veggies and make them *taste* good, but I know it’s possible. I just hate cooking so much that it’s really hard for me to put in the effort, so I go for what’s “easy” aka a cheeseburger.

I’m hoping that, with all the sustainability problems we face with global warming, the collective U.S. consumer base will wake up and realize we can get by eating only a cheeseburger a month if the alternative is death. But, I dunno. People are acting so very self-centered on so many issues right now, and it’s pretty

Right, even as a middle class person I struggle to diversify my diet beyond broccolli and apples because I don’t know what the hell anything else is. Like, how do you even cook bokchoy? Sure I could Google it, but when your life is consumed by so many other things it’s hard to devote time to learn about something new.

Not being snarky. Most people are too poor to opt out of unethically sourced food products. It’s easy to say, “well just eat less meat/processed crap” but prep time and access are privileges. The only way any of this would change is through sweeping, worldwide reform, and we’re in a huge “small government!!111” phase

I feel like there’s a high likelihood of at least one of the suspects being white, because they refuse to share his photo or name. Plus, he’s still alive.

According to the anti-PC crowd, her existence would probably be even less believable because she’s trans. So she gets an extra gold star, I guess.