
Wow. My jaw just dropped. We didn’t have any of that.

Wait, what? Public schools are supposed to have nurses? This is a serious question. I never had nurses in any of the schools I went to, and neither did my mom. We’re located in Michigan too, so what’s going on in Flint, in this regard at least, isn’t abnormal. Is this something that other states have???

Ooh, I’ve had the same fears. I’ve had writer’s block for years because of fearing that my book would get rejected on principle or shoved into a dusty corner of a bookstore because blackness and womanness supposedly taints everything.

Yeah, but because of the stigma attached to sex shops most kids wouldn’t even try that - I sure didn’t (and I didn’t have a car either, so). Having sex-ed in high school that teaches, “Hey, you know masturbation is healthy and you can totally ram yourself with a dildo if you want, as long as you use lube” would change

Well she definitely should’ve gotten the kids’ permission first, obviously, but this is a great idea. The fact that teens aren’t legally allowed to enter sex shops or buy sex toys in most places is pretty fucking ridiculous, especially in the age of the Internet.

Fair point. I mean, if you’re forced to buy clothing made by slave labor either way, I’m sure as fuck not paying top dollar for it.

Why do you assume that those shady outlet stores are any better than the big brands?

This is such a false equivocation. The United States is much more racially diverse than Japan is. White people are not victims here.

Well of COURSE it doesn’t count when a creep hits on you. Who the fuck wants to entertain the possibility of spending time with someone who believes “I would drink your bathwater” is an acceptable thing to say to a stranger? That seems like pretty common sense. You call those creeps “disgusting” but you’re still

Although all of this is true, I'm pretty sure the point of OP's comment was that there's something wrong with spanking scantily clad children *and deriving sexual pleasure from it*.

Seems like you're making all the right decisions.

I don't actually care when Asian people identify with rap music. I understand why the culture appeals to them as fellow minorities, but this show's handling of black/Asian relationships so far REALLY made me uncomfortable. Eddie defaults to making friends with the black kid, bails when the racist white kids show token

It's a game you play, meaning she's into it, yes? You touch her in her sleep because you know she'll be receptive? Then it's not rape.

You pre-negotiate it. Ask BEFORE the situation ever happens and you avoid the creepy implications: "Hey, would it bother you if you woke up to my hand down your pants? If not, how far are you comfortable with things going?" There's no universal right or wrong here. It's what the two of you are comfortable with.

I actually agree with you, but see, when bills like this are crafted, no one is thinking about addressing the stigmas that cause these eugenics campaigns in the first place. These politicians are not included taxpayer money in their agenda that will care for these unwanted babies once they get here; they are not

The article says her family claims their African-ness, they just feel superior to Black Americans (slave descendants), specifically.

Because editors are just as clueless as the writers are. You have to recognize an error before you can correct it... I've had to correct misgendering articles at least five times in three months. If I wasn't here, no one would've caught it.

Cool, I've never been called a windbag before. Sweet.

You clearly didn't actually understand anything I said.