Nobody Lurker

I'm sorry but you are retarded. I did not use them as an argument. I used them as a spice to make my argument more tasty.
Here is an example.
Argument: Only stupid uncultured plebeians would enjoy the taste of milk chocolate (argument starts here) because its so dry and boring or cheaply made crap ect ect ect.

The difference is I didn't use them as argument. Maybe you should take an english class you dumb fuck. I can insult someone while making a point at the same time. In fact I just did. Its the difference between saying "your stupid" and saying "i've come to the conclusion that you are retarded because…"

"Lol your stupid" What a great argument you've presented. I hope to god your only twenty because if you aren't you might be mentally challenged.

No, no they are not. Why do you think young people are more informed then old people. You are retarded. Also climate change isn't going to effect the human race that badly. You are the one in denial. How can you look at a set of data that we've been collecting for the past 60 years and claim to know the fate of the

Last time a checked 18 was the voting age. And last time a checked record numbers of kids are staying with their parents past the age of 20. They may have held summer jobs and the like but they have no real world experience. They are young, stupid and idealistic.

You can't call that respect. Thats not respect. You just like them more because you agree with them. They're still less informed then older people and don't deserve respect. Its something you earn and they are too young to have earned it yet.

Yes. Young people who have never held a job, never paid a mortgage, never had to feed themselves, never had to really pay taxes are the ones that are smart not those stupid old people with years of more life experience. They're stupid. Don't they know it is the current year and in the current year some thoughts and