
Co-worker bought a Model X and had so many issues with the interior trim falling to bits and prematurely wearing. Tesla ended up buying it back off him. His wife is a lawyer and sent them a Strongly Worded Letter.

Tesla is still a car company in their infancy that is simply faking it til they make it. Nobody in their right mind with $80,000+ to spend should choose a Model S over something like the upcoming Porsche Mission E. When the Germans fully join the party its going to be game over for Tesla as an automobile manufacturer.

Dammit if they could only fix the visibility issue, looking bada$5.

You know how else you can get a factory-warrantied 600+ hp muscle car?

There’s a whole lot more crud waiting for you once you start playing.

tldr because it wouldn’t produce the amount of money over a long period of time like shark cards would

That shockwave though!

Putting windshield wiper controls in a freaking menu that you have to poke around for on a touchscreen while you are driving in the rain is a perfect example of how Tesla is a techbro company first, car company second.

Imagine being stupid enough to trade in your car for a packet of shitty novelty sauce.

Not sure if this is a gaming thing or just the world we live in but it seems like no matter what people find a reason to complain. When it comes to gaming I feel like developers are put in no win situations because they can’t possibly please everyone and they basically have to pick their poison.

Other manufacturer’s have problems, but how many of them have the sheer number of design issues per model that Tesla has? Retrofitting underside shielding for batteries, giving Model X owners sunshades to ameliorate the massive windshield’s greenhouse effect, recalls for the seats sliding forward (isn’t this the

Yeah, every single one of those companies should have done better. Way, way better. But “whataboutism” doesn’t excuse Tesla’s haphazard approach.

Oh look, a Tesla design issue. I’m shocked.

Zero cars have souls.


Fanboys wont see a problem with this, and will liken it to being sort of coming from a boutique automaker a la Aston or Mclaren. But I see through the bullshit and foresee quality problems and suspect panel fittings down the line.

Hailcat ??