I’m not surprise to see such useless comments of course, but yeah. Here you go!
I’m not surprise to see such useless comments of course, but yeah. Here you go!
Sure looks like this guy spent a lot of time and effort to make it intentionally look like he didn’t spend a lot of time and effort on it...
It’s great to hear that you’re a game designer who knows the ins and outs of good game design! Once your game is released, you’ll have to tell us the name so we can find out if it’s a fraction as good as Divinity: Original Sin 2!
I can see that, but then that’s just an item-based progression game with knowledge instead of actual items, not a Metroidvania. Calling it that works backwards on the genre tree, and would mean Zelda games are Metroidvanias as well, rather than both just being item-based exploration games.
Dominique “SonicFox” McLean is rapidly approaching half a million dollars in total tournament winnings after collecting $120,000 at the Injustice 2 Pro Series Grand Finals this weekend. At just 19-years-old, McLean is the world’s highest-paid fighting game competitor in terms of event money.
Thanks for needlessly bringing politics into this...
Well, they’re not wrong, it’s just no one wants to be the first one to say anything politically incorrect. Ok, you’ve blocked traffic for 3 hours, your cause it great, I’m late for work, now get off the road.
The younger bracket of millenials really don’t remember or know when Twisted Metal was great.
Golly, its almost as if reading before commenting might have clarified the difference. Whoda think it!?!
I am so looking forward to you playing this game.
Keep telling yourself that.
Lol, sure they are.
South Park is getting in on the real life simulator here.