
Lengyel is an ass. He mostly reports if you select a character he wants. If you die with that character, he will report for being a troll, or team killer

Are we taking a knee Sunday during the anthem?

3 to 10 yrs in prison

So when did Trump become racist. As a black man, i would like to know. Was it when he was paying Rosa Parks rent, winning NAACP awards, was it paying for black student tuition for colleges, was it when he housed Jennifer Hudson after her families brutal murder. Was it accepting awards from Ali, Ashe and other black

Yeah...just 10 years in prison for foreigners caught shoplifting in China. No big deal

May I tackle you from behind when you are cutting the grass and crash onto the mowers engine and see how your ribs hold up?

We need to get off this Kap signing theory. If he does sign with any team, it proves he lied in his lawsuit and his gf will not let him sign with any team just to keep thier names in the media. Kap is doin a lot to get that pussy.

Your statement here is your cry out that you are a bigot yourself

Needs a new update. Turning phones in has nothing to do with the case. The owners are given phones by the NFL. They are making an upgrade.

Thats what happens when you rush the field like an idiot. File charges and see how far that lasts.

Not a fan of Trump, but the engineer is far from a hero. A pure definination of a facist silencing an opposing view ... even if the twitterverse would be better without him tweeting

No, there is a 30 day wait peroid if a name is deleted before it can be used again ... unless it was your name before

3 Republicans and 11 Democrats indicted, yet everyone is having a hard on over the Republicans, when we all knew the three would be indicted.

No, since he filed suit, he was frozen from the NFLPA. It would conclusion. That is why he had to seek outside council and couldnt use a NFLPA attorney

My favorite was the democrats slush funding the kkk.

This is strange news to me. Have worked for numerous teams and organizations, seen hundreds of games through out Europe and currently employed by a french team....always hear the National Anthem before the game

Should check out Gen Shōji from Kashima Antlers

Should read up on My Left Foot on what DDL did to Shaw and Fricker

So let me understand this...she auditioned for a part in a movie. The scene was an altercation between Jim amd Pam was was physical. So she is mad she mas she didnt ger the parr amd sued the producers?

Bryant’s name is all over this...or the guy from Pee Wee’s Big Adventure. A hard toss up