Grandson, nephew, etc..? I guess it wouldn’t have mattered had you just said relative. Anyway, whenever I hear Heather Heyers name, all I can hear in my head is “Higher!”
Grandson, nephew, etc..? I guess it wouldn’t have mattered had you just said relative. Anyway, whenever I hear Heather Heyers name, all I can hear in my head is “Higher!”
She is directly referencing an incident SHE CRRATED and is AGAIN playing the victim. She was absolutely assaulted by that dj. She IS absolutely blaming other people for calling her out on her own bullshit on a totally separate event. One doesn’t cancel the other.
Individually, the lyrics are good, but the chorus sucks. It builds and builds and builds...and then the chorus hits and the music just drops, so it fails to actually climax or anything. The song crescendos, getting louder and louder and then...the chorus just softens everything, since she sings it in a whisper.
I mean, 28 isn’t *that* young.
The video references the trial. The single $1 bill in the tub of jewels is referencing the $1 she was award in the sexual assault case.
She is playing the victim about valid criticisms about herself. None of those criticisms involve her assualt and almost all of them were made way before the assault even happened.
We are not required to like her. Why bring up beyonce, can we not defend women without bringing up other women.
This song doesn’t reference that though. This song references the Kayne song about which she definitely played the victim.
I don’t know why this whole thing she’s doing right now makes me full body cringe from second hand embarrassment. It’s just so tacky. At the end where she’s all ‘I want to be excluded from this narrative’ I outloud ‘Me too’. She’s definitely someone I would have just stopped answering the messages of irl.
Well the melody is fine, the rhymes to the lyrics are decent, the only real issue is the victimization and the chorus. And the phone part. But it’s not as bad as everyone is saying.
This still makes me smh so hard.
She’s obviously trying to own the snake moniker, but not truly. It’ll be like her “Shake It Off” phase where she’s taking it on, but at the same time being like, “Poor me, everyone thinks I’m a snake! But I’m not!” Notice she does this after people (rightfully) applaud her for confronting the man who sexually harassed…
To be honest, I think she’s actually better at branding than making music, which is so very bland and generic.
And I think that’s why I dislike her. It all seems so fake and calculated. I realize that 99% of celebs have a brand they’re marketing, but maybe they’re better actors about it than she is? Or maybe it’s that her brand is that she’s so sweet and “real” but it’s all so fake. I dunno, but I’ve never bought it, plus her…
Damn, she’s tedious. I’d hate to have a life where my every step is curated. I realize lots of celebrities have to be “on brand” at all times, but she really sticks out to me.
I mean, I hear you, it’s just that it probably would have taken her a couple more minutes to realize this was a bad thing if she’d actually thought about it. My criticism of Tina is that she generally just doesn’t seem to think about her bits much, which maybe wouldn’t matter if she wouldn’t posit herself as a…
Oh no, I think people totally need to be called out on inertness. I think this was a hamfisted attempt at that, though, rather than a direct call for it.
Que 10,000 comments about being too harsh on “well-meaning allies” *wank off motion* and how we’re alienating those who want to help us *wank off motion*
Taylor Swift is the poster child for #yourfaveisproblematic. This action is genuinely good, and she is kicking ass and being a straight up role model. She still has been tone-deaf when it comes to racial issues, and consciously or unconsciously uses her white woman victimhood to further her career. She contains…
Bravo to everyone using their voice/platform to shame this administration. Almost every celeb has voiced their outrage except Taylor Swift. I don’t fuck with her music but it’s undeniable that she is more relevant than many who have taken a stance. Her silence is deafeningly loud in these times. She wants people to…