
I don’t know anything about government accounting, the post.

Fucking kill yourself Marxist scum.

I’m not sure how blaming white people for the lack of jobs in la is all that smart, considering​ they’re only 25% of the population.

What are you implying and what are you advocating for?

The report notes that “while the Black community was once a thriving part of L.A.’s landscape and remains integral to the county’s cultural and economic life, it has long been in a critical decline.” This is directly attributed to the lack of jobs for Black Angelenos

Oh look a screeching Marxist. How quaint

A good article 4u

Look for yourself

Except Sterling is a Jew, but it won’t matter, he’s considered white in this instance

A homosexual Jew who exclusively fucks black guys. Yeah not exactly the living embodiment of a Nazi. More like an IRL internet troll. How deluded are you ffu

You know he was a small Asian dude surrounded by and assaulted by those super brave communists right?

Um that did happen in Detroit, and it’s well documented

Also amazing that Yates didn’t offer any support on the legality of the EO 😃😉🤣

I can guaren fucking tee you that all those racist white men who fought and killed the Nazis we’re not doing so to save the Jews or for their great grandkids to become minorities in their homeland

Even when the Spanish drove the Moors from the pinisula, or when the polish drove the Turks from vienna?

Man are you going to feel dumb when the shooters are actually identified

If you think you’re the smartest person in the room, chances are you’re not.

How about this one

The Freikorps were the only vanguard against the Bolsheviks. Good for them for defending their country from the red menace. And fuck all the communist Jews who started the German civil war in 1918