Oy vey! The goyim must remember the 6 billion.
Oy vey! The goyim must remember the 6 billion.
How about these facts
Good let’s bring the “moderate” Muslims into the light and exterminate their asses
Pretty funny how there’s is not one mention of race in the comments. You could be sure of those implicated were white men we’d hear all about privilege and mediocrity and entitlement. Butbut no....blacks sure have a proclivity of raping at a much higher rate then everyone else, but that’s a conversation on race no one…
Why did you dismiss my comment? Because it undermines your point that Obama was somehow tough on illegal immigration?
Because nothing says honestly like portraying Castro as a fascist.
The Obama administration changed the definition of “deportation” to include aliens caught at the border and sent back. The GWB admin did not include those types as his definition of deportation. Nice way for Obama to pad his stats, but not really indicative of his broader domestic immigration policy, nor is it really…
Who? Omar mateen? Who’s father was a crackpot politician in Afghanistan? Who surely raised his son with his retrograde views?
Try to stop being autistic
Except Pinochet’s reforms led to Chile being the most the most prosperous South American country in GDP per capital, GDP growth, and hdi.
Lol the fact that America first is a controversial statement tells me everything I need to know.
Feel free to post videos and reports of protestors denying access to supporters as well as the blatant vandalism occuring downtown
If this is the extent of the most vaunted “resistance”...Well it’s gonna be a really fucking funny 8 years.
Uhh Lincoln was just about ready to ship freed slaves back to africa.Before he was killed. Not really sure what point you’re trying to make here
You mean post apartheid ruined South Africa? Wow I’m like so surprised
People complain about how the world is over populated. Well guess where the projected gains in population are coming from? Not the 1st world (this much is obvious), China? (Yes, but not a crazy amount), South Asia? (Yes much of the growth as come there), and then there’s Africa, where it’s supposed to quadruple in the…
Actually he was commentating on Western civ,and he was also 1000% correct. Please prove your case as to why white Europeans weren’t the main drivers and movers and creators of Western civ.