
True, but having a mental illness doesn’t make you a liar. Also, having known casually several famous comediennes, that description seems both specific and likely. People that are “on” in public are apparently often withdrawn and controlling in private.

Here’s the thing. I thought O’Donnell’s public excoriation of that

In the full interview she actually says she isn’t mentally ill (‘[aside from depression and anxiety]’) and that the implication that she is from Rosie’s camp is hurtful, etc. etc. IDK, no winners here.

Let’s stamp a big red NOPE on that. You probably know far more people than you realize who have been in treatment (1 in 4 will deal with issues within their lifetime). Try asking one of them whether their viewpoint is therefore worthless.

I missed where they freely admit they’re setting up a caste system. Jesus Christ these women are horrible. Sure I want to support women in tech, but only if they develop something worthy of it. Twitter and Yik Yack are used as tools to harass, this just takes it to the next level.