
Gives her child a stupid-ass name.

Maybe don’t name your child something moronic if you don’t want yourself (and your child) ridiculed for the rest of their life. And this from a guy who named his son after his favorite Top Gear presenter.

This woman needs to have her child taken away from her for the child’s sake. 

Uh, hard pass. He asked for a commuter car in a place that sees actual winter. I know some of you nuts do the Miata thing anyway up there, and more power to you, but personally, I’m a fan of better insulated, permanently affixed roofs for stuff like that.

So I’ve been preaching this since everyone started going “mid-engine corvette, MID-ENGINE CORVETTE”.

I understand the sentiment, but having the engine in the middle is a bit bigger of a departure than squaring the taillights.

No. I think a mid-engined Cadillac would be accepted more than a mid-engined Corvette because:

I would expect Chevy to continue selling the traditional front-engine V8 Corvette

My point is a lot of Corvette’s core buying group (grumpy old men north of 55) are going to see a Corvette with the engine in the middle and go “WHAT’S ALL THIS EUROPEAN NONSENSE ARGLE BARGLE BACK IN MY DAY...”

With Cadillac having the mid-engine IMSA cars out there now, I wouldn’t be shocked if it was branded as a Caddy, instead of a Corvette.

That would be fun wouldn’t it. To pull a plot twist on everyone like that.

Uh, that’s the point? I don’t think those guys (the purists) are going to be a big fan of having the engine in the middle.

If only, by the grace of the car God's and all that is high octane, could this be a new Fiero

the only snag is the car is supposed to be a Corvette and the key had a Cadillac badge

Trump does plenty of dumb shit, but IMO, this (the Chicken Tax debate) is not a good fight to pick. It’s not hard to make an argument for the Chicken Tax if you ignore all externalities... Which you can absolutely count on his base to do:

His supporters will find a way to love this.

Sorry to hear about your experience. This is not the first such lawyer story I have heard. I do so hate cheap skates who play financial games like the impala driver.  Your story makes me realize how lucky I got off when I got rear-ended four states away from home and had to abandon my car while on vacation. 

UGH that unibrow is SO UGLY!  Why do so many lemmings still buy them.  It’s like the wrangler is the pretend-to-be-a-car-guy vehicle, so people have to just tack crap onto them.  Lots of non-functional jeep modding.

In 2019, you can buy, new:

Fair enough! It can also just depend on your salesman/woman.