
I absolutely love this article! One of my favorite things to do when driving (in the U.S.) is to find lesser roads and carving them up. A decade ago I was taking my ‘03 WRX wagon to Tail of the Dragon because of its notoriety. While getting an oil change in Fayetteville, AR a salesman there chatted me up about my

I remember being in PI during Christmas. Fireworks are huge there during the holiday. I explicitly remember billboards with photos like this one reminding people that unlicensed fireworks (and even licensed ones) can really ruin your day.

There has to be a 1%er who can see all this potential and funnel the immense costs of going to a proper university his way. This young man has not only earned it, but continues to aspire to greater things. Hell, even the university should be willing to cover a chunk of his costs, or offer a cost-free dorm simply

Well, at least in my state, tips are kept, then distributed down the line with no tracking % of what’s too much or little. I’ve seen (and experienced) this abused pretty readily when the situation suits the distributor. Those sexy-alluring girls can net anywhere from 1-4 or 5 hundred in a night. If they like you and

Subjectively speaking, he’s the worst part of that music video. The beat’s reasonable, and whomever did the cinematography and directed the shots has a pretty decent artistic eye. Yank him out of the picture and it’s got a decently relatable SoCal/LA vibe.

When you’re near the bottom of the “totem pole” in terms of power dynamic, and part of your co-workers job is purposefully about being objectified (hello service industry), these rules/guidelines all get blurred into dissolution. Retaliation (tip distribution) is uncontrolled and imminent, and the rules in place to

This is definitely a move to keep things in line with our current positions and attitudes vs the past. I understand why they removed her name from the award, but I don’t necessarily agree with it. When those books were written, these infractions just weren’t the case. I think it’s important to reexamine the work

Way back when this happened (I was at PRB, though I’ve never been a big NOFX fan, so I left a song into their set to catch LJG play a solo acoustic show at Beauty Bar), a friend of mine ended up with an umpteen page thread on their FB page with this argument about the resulting backlash. Someone wrote on their

I see where you’re going with that, and I like it. But quick note: “That Weird Al Bum” would fully encapsulate you’re idea. I also think it’d work best as a compilation release of all his pop-hit polka medley’s melded together into a 14 or 15 track-split super song (no gaps on play).

I remember how hard they were to come by when the last Smash debuted. Eventually they started to show up again (the adapters were the last to be replenished), I snagged one. Now I have my Wavebird’s hooked up to it and couldn’t be happier!

I remember how hard they were to come by when the last Smash debuted. Eventually they started to show up again (the

Mine used to come on randomly all the time (and still does when I drive over certain distances that include mountain passes and lower quality gas when I traverse states (thanks Cali...). It’s always a cylinder misfire, but I never fail compression tests and it started up originally when I had swapped in a lightweight

Kind of a shame. I mean, burgers? Really? I get that the “going out for breakfast” at best was a Sunday after church thing, which meant their general busiest time was once a week, but burgers? Why not IHOW, and promote the use of waffles for all meals of the day.

Ya’ll are fancy. It’s Rice-a-roni and canned salmon/sardines for me. If I’m playing gourmet, I’ll boil in chicken stock instead of water and half the in pack msgeasoning.

I’d also add, don’t interrupt a bartender or cocktail server while they’re making drinks. A little situational awareness should tell you when 5 bottles are being grabbed, and I need to go to a new spot to pour the wine. Starting to shout an order when I’m busy filling a much larger one is going to get you on the shit

#bringbackthewagon #bringbacksmalltrucks

I learned all about the “Subie Wave” when I got my WRX 12 years ago. Back then, living in the desert, Subaru’s were less common and I’d get the wave pretty consistently. As the years went by and Subaru started being more common, I still find I get the wave from fellow enthusiast drivers. About 85% of the time from STI

Am I the only one who finds the consistency of that bowel movement to be a bit unsettling? Clearly this man has a dietary deficiency.

I don’t know. As a hasher, this seems more like a challenge than anything. Can we float the keg in an hour? How many do we “need” per se?

How you know you’re old, Chapter 39:

I’m placing this extremely tight loss (good job Rockets, I suppose) on Steph’s early foul trouble in combination with Iguadola’s being absent. This really kept them from gaining any proper steam in the first half after that opening run. Looney can keep things flowing, but you can tell Houston isn’t as intimidated by