
Snopes says your quote has no source. Try not to fuck us up here by looking like a birther with your no facts

Amen! I once drove that MG from Tulsa to OKC on the turnpike. Probably wasn’t the best idea, but I survived and it was a fun (if nerve-wracking) drive.

I’m sure you can have it for $350 if you ask politely.

I tried smoking a burger once.

Officers on scene were unable to determine if the driver was sober, as he refused to speak, exited the vehicle, stood stock still for a second, then fell over. His injuries consisted of a large swelling on the top of his head, and a number of asterisks orbiting his head. Upon inspection of the vehicle, deputies noted

Something no one has ever explained well:

That’s a lot of work for 180hp to the wheels.

So the sponsor had their name out front all day, got the win on TV, and then got even more press time when he was disqualified.... Sounds like a good deal for the sponsor to have their car cheat more often to get more air time.

is quite well-loved, even after 57 years of service, since the Kennedy Administration.

My commute is also three miles each way, and I can tell you if there was a safe bicycle route I would certainly ride my bike instead of driving. However, this is auto-centric America and there is no safe bicycle infrastructure between my home and office. Also, the sight of a bicycle seems to make Americans actively

How has nobody thought to set up an obvious grift for some right-wing cause and just give it all to good causes instead? There’s got to be enough chaotic good lawyers who know their way around setting up a PAC or something to do this.

*cough Ranger Raptor #FordFail

2 engine replacements?

I’m here to tell you that Hummer was good, and America should forgive it.

“I’ll have the Kidde’s meal”

I’d spend a billion dollars on Faraday right after my Elio gets delivered. 

As An Irishman, take the flag out of your icon and spread your dumbass Misogyny elsewhere. 

No way, suplex that nerd.

This guy is one of the cheaper, not made in Germany International line knives. The Spanish made ones are pretty decent, though they tend to be overpriced at MSRP. It’s not uncommon to find these for less than 20 bucks, and $17 isn’t particularly good. Think they’re $15 year round at the William Sonoma outlet near me

This guy is one of the cheaper, not made in Germany International line knives. The Spanish made ones are pretty

Nope! But you have my permission not to have to click on or read any of them. I won't mind.