Oh good lord, my eyes! I thought the mating dance of the albatross was awkward.
My Siamese conjoined cat enjoys clawing my Asian-American rug.
I’m Asian. I’m not saying it’s okay to use the term. It’s really dumb. But considering the things I’ve been called in my lifetime, this is just a case of ignorance. Honestly, I think the commenters are making fun of the idiocy of NBA.com’s staffer.
You’re on a slippery slope.
Hmmmm. The answer appears to be “No.”
If a lickspittle brown-noses in the grays, do the unspeakably awesome and supremely gifted Deadspin authors notice?
“... a useless correction of my diction.”
You’re welcome!
You probably mean sardonic. There wasn’t a hint of sarcasm in your original comment. “Oh, your comment was an exaggeration? Really?” is a sarcastic comment. Listen, you jumped into the tail end of an argument at level nine and cranked it up past eleven by the end. So maybe wait a few minutes before posting whatever…
It means ’mortal sin’ not ’peach’ in this instance. Double imperial stout from America’s hat. Tasty. My stash is nearly empty.
You’re calling for a cleansing of those you consider undesirable? Over a dispute with a stranger on the internet? Read the Dr’s original post. Reread it. This only escalated because a few commenters wanted a fight. Ridiculous.
Came here hoping for a “Salad Days” reference. Thank you.
I’m very confused. Was he trying to shoot a basket? Has the game changed so much since last year?
I believe one of the blog’s authors has to follow you in order for you to be lifted out of the greys. Personally, I like it here, I can yell and burp and fart and nobody gives a damn. Sitting at the kid’s table.
These are absolutely soul killing.
For a handful of years, Gilmore Girls was the best-written show on TV. I will challenge anyone who disagrees to a slap fight. Or more appropriately, just trade some barbed witticisms.
My wife just told me to calm the f down about GG. Seriously I’m more excited about GG than I am over any of the Star Wars BS.