
All about the nutty tweets now!

Right? I continue to be baffled by the Kentucky voters. I mean, ok, forget about larger issues of improving things generally for the people of the U.S. but McConnell votes for/supports issues which actively and directly hurt his constituents.

Certainly a lot of the push is to remove anything with the Black Man’s name on it - see e.g., Cuba.


I couldn’t get past the fact that apparently there is a MARINA in SOUTH DAKOTA.

Did Captain Crunch turn him down?

But it is fine when a hetero couple uses science to have a baby.


Yes. It is terrible.

Huh, yep his Rep appears to be a Republican, but both Illinois senators are Democrats.

Out society would indeed be improved if everyone was a paramedic, i.e “first responder”. Oh, that’s not what Beck meant?

You’ve probably seen by now he was a Bernie supporter.

Yeah, just like that time Gabby Giffords was shot in the head.

Maybe? I am a tooth-grinder and it mostly effects my molars.

This just in! WATER IS STILL WET.

Shoot, I meant to say Ivanka in that post (although Ivana works too).

Right, like her Putin interview.

She’s reportedly attending law school this fall.

This from a man who doesn’t know how to use Google.

Barron at least seems to have inherited a lot of his mother’s facial bone structure, so maybe he will escape the Trump Family Weak Chin Syndrome*.