
Patty Jones?

Oh, shit! Me too! I had a couple of friends post shots to IG of Reynolds in costume at Hatley Castle (they go to school at Royal Roads, which the castle is a part of). Pretty cool.

Cannavale was absolutely the highlight; he nailed the looseness and crassness of an Anthony Bourdain type chef right out of the gate. On any other show, I don't know if Francesca's banality would stand out as much, but on Master of None, female characters so rarely land with a thud, in fact, it's quite the opposite

Just finished Martha Peake (really liked it) now I'm moving on to The Familiar Vol. 3 and then maybe a Stefan Zweig novel called Confusion (I've been absolutely loving Zweig since I discovered him earlier this year).

I saw George Saunders read from Lincoln in the Bardo accompanied by some local actors for the rest of the characters (Saunders read as Lincoln).

I'm intrigued about the adaptation of The Book of Strange New things, to be honest (blandly called Oasis now). Lots of ways to get it wrong, but if they don't, it could be really good.

Flim White Hosue

Nailed it

If Brie Larson is getting any buzz for any movie she does this year that puts her in Best Actress Oscar contention, I'd love to see her pull her name so as to avoid coming face to face with Affleck again. Yes, I hope Larson's name is bandied about for Best Actress for Kong: Skull Island.

That's Colonel to you.

I couldn't agree more. For some reason, David Foster Wallace is much better to listen to than to read, at least for me. I slogged through a couple of his smaller books about 10 years ago, and wrote him off as an author I'd never be able to actually enjoy. Then about a year ago I listened to A Broom in the System and

Need to upvote this several hundred more times.

Netflix Cinematic Universe!

I just finished A Chess Story by Stefan Zweig and Nutshell by Ian McEwan. Nutshell was odd: it's a thriller told from the POV of an unborn fetus who happens to be as witty and erudite as the author. I took a couple points off for the sex scenes narrated by the fetus.

Ever since he watched Fantastic Mr. Fox a few months ago, my 4 year old has been obsessed with the soundtrack, which has opened the door to The Beach Boys and, to a lesser extent, Jarvis Cocker (his favourite quote from the movie is "you wrote a bad song, Petey). He also goes around the house singing Boggis Bunce and

There's probably a thread somewhere around this site about this, but does anyone have thoughts on RTJ3? I've been listening to it quite a bit since the release and feel I can finally form some thoughts on it. Mike and El have opened up a bit and given themselves some space. If RTJ was a mission statement and RTJ2 was

Congratulations are certainly in order!

OK I haven't read the thousands of comments on here to see if anyone else has said it but did anyone get a Dr. Lecter vibe when Ford was sitting at his desk and someone said "Dr. Ford, you have a visitor." I half expected Clarice to be popping by.

Were you at the Vancouver show in 2001 too?

I'm starting Silence by Shūsaku Endō just as soon as I'm done You Too Can Have a Body Like Mine, which I am enjoying quite a bit, at least when I can fight through the feeling that it is being weird for weird's sake and not mirroring real life in any way, shape, or form. I'm likening it to Synecdoche, New York,