No, Antonio!

It’s made worse by the fact that the alternative jerseys from other years ranged from interesting to actually decent. They’ve taken that and tried to standardize uniforms—y’know, the things which exist to differentiate teams!

Yes, and as we all know, every week of the season, CFL squads lose half their rosters to IR due to those damnable goalposts - or, as the locals call them, “the widowmakers.”

Like most people, they criticize in others what they secretly despise about themselves, you fat asshole. 

those female players you mention? They haven’t beaten Fed either! #factsandlogic

Tim Duncan was dominant into his late 30s because of Electric Cars. The convenience of closer parking and not going to the gas station made players lazy.

As someone raised on Mario Tennis, I blame it on the distinct lack of available Power Shots.

Just extend the fucking protective netting already!

I mean, the Three True Outcome Era is a wildly overblown thing. Let’s take a random year during Goose’s career, 1987, and compare it to 2018:

more strikeouts and HR, the same amount of BB per game (as compared to the 80's). The difference is basically you are seeing 3 more K’s and 1 more HR per team per game. Statistically large, but in the scheme of things, not exactly game changing for a viewer.

“There’s no strategy anymore!”

This is terrible analysis and I can tell you are not a real football fan. Obviously the handsome, fit, 6-4 white quarterback threw the ball perfectly. The more darkly-pigmented receivers just didn’t run their routes correctly.

So this site is generally pro-union, pro-worker, pro-worker’s-rights, etc. But...what, this guy got too much? You don’t like him? You disagree with the ruling of the jury? What’s the deal here?

“Hey, why the hell didn’t somebody check up on this Werder guy’s answers on this jury questionnaire?”

If we weren’t all just balls of insecurity trying to get through the next social interaction, how would we know we’re alive?

And who even says she’s pro-democracy? a lot of Chinese are not, that doesn’t mean they are pro oppression, they just do not see the need to do everything _exactly_ as the west wants it to happen.”

Yes, let’s not turn a simple stabbing into something it’s not.

Load up on enough butter coffee in the morning and you’ll be giving a wide birth.

not just sports media; the New York Times itself spent all of 2016 hyping butter emails

I’m assuming this is some kind of inside joke. I love Amelia Earhart, but there are at least 3 other PILOTS more famous than her