No, Antonio!

I feel like most of the guys who would’ve picked home runs just picked OPS instead, which is both a better stat and basically “home runs plus other cool shit” anyway.

According to Urban dictionary, the kids call that a “ Peter King Special”.

Due to Hood’s refusal to play, LeBron has downgraded his handshake with Hood to “white guy who just closed on his house.”

The Rockets are the answer to the question “what would it take to get me rooting for the ruthless inevitability of another Warriors championship again?”

Mostly spy novels, and the occasional non-fiction.

I drive everywhere in reverse, and I produce so much gasoline I don’t know what to do with it.

You’d think Shaq would know if he wanted better fuel efficiency, he should go with Diesel.

I think it’s safe to assume that, absent evidence to the contrary, white US-born baseball players are Breitbart/Infowars level right wingers.

Nothing like giving away the whole game with a single phrase. A writer who could write that un-self-consciously and with a straight face has told you everything you need to know about their outlook on the world.

Not even the rest of history. Even in 2016 when that happened (based on some very lazy Googling), you were only about 4X more likely to die in your LEO job as you were from dying by lightning strike.

I’m a better person than a lot of people I’m surrounded by. I’ll get chewed up for saying that, but it’s true.’’

I guess you could define “under siege” as “Facing a tiny bit of non-consequential scrutiny for murdering people of color at an astronomical rate.”

In 2016, a turbulent period when law enforcement officials were under siege across the U.S.

It’s really hard to get a proper assessment of the Rockets with the way the Wolves play them.

Yeah. I don’t think anyone is delusional enough to think that the Wolves actually had a chance to win this game/series, but this article has to be a joke. I mean that second clip... Wow. I guess if the Rockets can get away with that for the rest of the playoffs they’ll have a decent chance of winning it all, but

Also basketball games are way shorter than football and baseball games so the sentence would be fulfilled in less overall time.

Drew is insane for picking the Browns in that 300 game scenario and now I’m convinced that the sabbatical is rehab. The correct answer is the Brooklyn Nets if you’re a basketball guy, and the Coyotes if you’re a hockey guy.

Tired of these carpetbaggers like Anthony and George who just roll into town and think they can take over because they’ve got BIG NAMES. Nope! Can’t pull that kind of shit in Utah. 

Declaring that he’s going to “shut that shit off” and then myopically and very predictably trying to prove a point about it at the expense of his and his team’s success?

Mitt Romney was thrilled to be at a game featuring his long time favourite team...*checks jersey* the Jazz at a game in his beloved home state of *checks drivers license* Utah.