
That kind of hate is horrifying. We can’t let it become the norm.

*Hasidic, not Hisadic. And this sounds like an issue between the Hasidic and Black communities, not just generally “Jewish” folks. Finally - and I can’t believe I have to say this - but unless you’re doing a Hitler impression, never, ever, ever say “The Jewish problem” ever. fucking. again.

Ha I can totally see Louise (of your gravatar) having this storyline.

It sounds pretty simply that you never felt comfortable pursuing your crushes and men you were actually attracted to, so you let yourself be pursued and date men that you weren’t into and compatible with. I don’t think it’s that odd of a pattern for women tbh. I don’t think we’re really taught that we can pursue or


Context matters.

Came here via an article on lee’s Netflix show based on this movie. “...with a real shot at winning.” Sigh. Also, this whole thing. We had no idea.

This moldy turd trashed JK Rowling recently. Even if you don’t like her books, only sad, moldy, attention-seeking turds publicly trash someone’s life’s work. This is the sort of man we give TV shows. Such a low bar for white dude trolls. Hades-low.


It took me YEARS to get my endometriosis diagnosed because people don’t take women’s pain seriously. Years of absolutely crippling pain - I could go into the graphic details, but I think enough was said above. My IUD has *saved my life.* It’s given me a life. But my actual life is not important to these men. Neither,

Bahaha. Diplo and Skrillex worked on that album together. I’d have to look up who did exactly what and that ain’t happenin at the moment.

They’re both great fucking songs. But bieber didn’t write that tune, and therein lies the difference. Thank yer pal Diplo

Okay couple things.

No. No. Fucking NO.

Dude he’s number four!!! Scroll back up.

Ahhh I haven’t thought about this song in years!!! Used to love it. And all things Chicago. Great song. Thanks for sharin’. Maybe it’ll rotate through my mind too, now...some comic relief from the comic terror that is this “administration.”

You started off suggesting you have a more attractive natural face (so just a more attractive face) than perry, then said you “feel bad” about people who don’t feel “comfortable in their own skin.” Your first comment helps explains why people with imperfect skin may not feel so great without it. Yikes, man.

Very classy stuff. The classiest.


That really underscores how tacky the first lady’s portrait is. Airbrushed, tacky nonsense. I forgot who said it, but that quote about trump being a poor person’s idea of what a rich person is like is pretty on-the-nose.