
these are really for home listening, not taking on the subway or whatever. Think of it like this: You have a small apartment. You want some super high quality audio gear but you're not going the route of gigantic components and huge speakers, etc.

Oh man, I bet these sound insane!!

with the classic iCade you can. Super Mega Worm is a landscape game. It doesn't look as elegant but the cabinet will hold the ipad in landscape.

a photoshopped reference to the movie Total Recall.

anyone who already had an unlimited data plan would be grandfathered in. I had to take a tiered plan because I was a new Verizon customer. I did get to take advantage of their double data deal though.

I just joined Verizon a couple of weeks ago when the Galaxy Nexus came out. Using their double data deal I grabbed the 10 gigs for $50 plan. When I left T-Mo's (grandfathered in) truly unlimited data, not the fake unlimited data they're pushing now, I was monitoring my use pretty closely. I was hitting around 3.5-4

If you live in NYC Fresh Direct sells his meat to consumers. They may have the exclusive on consumer retail but don't quote me on that. His burgers are immaculate and he also has some of the best turkey burgers I've ever encountered.

I agree with most of your points. I am not gaga about the Wallet feature in and of itself as much as I am upset that the "pure" Google experience was informed by a carrier not wanting a competing technology on the phone since they have so much money invested in ISIS.

well yeah. Excluding a feature at a carrier's request is a fundamental change from the initial strategy of "this is our phone exactly as we want to see it in the world and if you don't like it, don't carry it."

the answer is yes. There do seem to be compelling reasons to get a Nook Tablet instead if you are coming in cold and only want to re-convert this into an inexpensive Android tablet. But if you want all the Amazon goodness and just want to bring over a few Android marketplace apps, yes. You can drag and drop the

no folder support, srsly?

When the company wins the big they work in lockstep with Google as the hardware (the next Nexus) and the software (the next OS revision) are being built out at the same time.

As a Google Experience Product, and the amount of confirmed involvement they have, don't Google own most of those specs? Maybe not the camera, but Google seem to be owning the lack of microSD as a simple user experience for the average user. I wish it had an optional slot, but that isn't necessarily Samsung's fault.

if they extend that new tiered plan where you get double the data as long as you don't tether I should be ok.

Based on all the ads on this page I agree that it is very obvious Verizon does not want to confuse customers by marketing three high end Android phones simultaneously. For Verizon this makes great sense.

according to the two banner ads and the marquee at the top of this post, yes. You want a Razr. That is the (Motorola) Droid you are looking for. Listen to marketing dollars and not your heart. Remember the Razr will get a port of Ice Cream Sandwich.....someday. Maybe with motoblur too!

Allow you to re-download your songs as many times as you want——-Amazon and Apple both offer this.

I did exactly the same thing. It's killing me!

I'm glad to read the positive review. I'm psyched for this. I woke up this morning to an email from Sony saying my shipped last night. Fedex says it should be here today!!

we'll know when they're in people's hands and tested but this is supposed to be getting better.