
@Romi Mahay: It used to be unlimited. Because the MPAA freaked that people would put entire movies on it (and a lot of people did) youtube voluntarily forced the limit for "amateurs" to be 10 minutes. Registered "pro" directors have been allowed to break this limit for years.

@krztov: yes. They had no time limit at launch, but to avoid being immediately shut down as piracy conduits by the MPAA they forced "amateurs" to have a 10 minute video limit.

I'm impressed. They are playing for keeps. I wonder if B&N can compete at this price point.

@rtrudel: they're fine with that. Also, you can use both seamlessly with WhisperNet. I'm waiting for B&N to update the Android app to allow me to do that with my Nexus One.

@RGT: it is not instant but is still faster than turning a page on a physical book.

ha! Does that date tie into an earnings call?

@Ryan Meehan: as other commenters have been saying at the Sony E3 presser last month Gabe Newell came out, they all made jokes about the fact that he has pulled no punches about his feelings on the PS3. He said that the system has matured, blah blah corporate speak, then announced personally Portal 2 coming to PS3.

@Irving94: I just thought of whatever command you would have to do to jump into a Portal using Kinect and threw up from motion sickness.

@zelannii: Your concerns are not that complex or insurmountable. Not only does the infrastructure exist for in-app payment models, but your argument strengthens the notion that publishers should have more direct control over subscription

@4th_Dimension: The argument is getting a little tired (iPad vs e-ink) but I do still think they are apples and oranges.

@4th_Dimension: I got mine a couple of firmware updates in.

@radarskiy: and this is why the big five publishing houses should let Gizmodo commenters steer the ship ;-)

Are there people reading this who want a thinner e-reader?

@ddmeightball: I really dug them. It's not great literature but they are fun pulpy mysteries which are very tech aware (for 2004 and back when they were written).

@pickmeohnevermind: Yeah I have a friend at a major publishing house and he said everyone there is *really* scared to be taking these steps into e-books.

Was the price heavily discounted on Amazon?

@nunshallpass: thank you for the explanation, and thank you for not looking down on me because I haven't started reading the books.

@Chuck: oh we're getting into the semantics of actual animals :-)

Pro: This episode was probably the bloodiest Grand Guignol they've ever done? I like seeing them get this dark to break up all the camp.