
It’s completely fair to cancel him. If Saudi Arabia wants to integrate in the larger world, they should be forced to recon with what that means. And yes that means having “collateral damage” but we should never forget that Saudi Arabia are the one causing that damage. Accepting homophobia under the pretence that he

Please explain to me in plain English why I should make an effort to include people who at best think I shouldn’t have rights and at worst think I shouldn’t exist.

Let all viewpoints be viewed on equal ground. Let people believe what they want to believe in, whether it’s anti-abortion or LGBTQ+.”

“Doesn’t thinking of someone’s viewpoint that doesn’t align with yours as “exclusionary” the same thing as being exclusionary yourself?”

This is a superficial understanding of inclusion and a well known strawman. No one said “ideas we don’t agree with are exclusionary”. Exclusionary are exclusionary regardless of whether or not someone agrees with them.

It’s a lot worse than merely jingoistic. Jingoism is where it starts, these days, with CoD, but given the BLOPS games particularly, it’s a series that actively supports/promotes brutality and torture, interference in foreign governments in favour of non-legitimate far-right rebels (including our good buds the

I want a sequel! Or at least a remastered version.

From what we can tell, Bungie has an absurdly generous contract with Sony in order to maintain its autonomy and full self publishing rights. They likely also have a buyback clause to go independent again on a moment’s notice if Sony pulls anything, based on their history with Microsoft and Activision. Their contract,

I mean, I think you’re missing the point that they can (and most likely will) codify that independence as part of the acquisition agreement. Bungie was not in dire need to be acquired and based on how much Sony is paying for them, it certainly seems like they had a fair amount of leverage in the overall negotiations.

It’s still popular and has an active community. This isn’t some random old multiplayer game that has like 100 active users. It’s still in the top 15 games played on Steam 15 years later as of right now, beating many more recent releases. The game isn't dead but Valve isn't doing a whole lot to help.

Gun control sounds great... in theory. The problem is that the majority of guns used in crimes are obtained illegally.

They’ll tell you that it’s really about mental health...

Coming from a country with strong gun control (Australia), I have to disagree with some of this. The “criminals will get guns whether they’re illegal or not” argument may be true, but strong gun control reduces the availability of guns, the culture of acceptability around guns, and the immediate response of the

To be fair..DC sort of knows this which is why they’ve moved away from Batman stopping burglaries and focusing more on guys like The Joker.

The White Knight books specifically deal with the issue of a multi-billionare beating the shit out of the poors to keep the rich people comfortable.

that’s what I’ve been running into with a LOT of series I liked as a child. Batman Arkham games seemed to work because they always kept it ridiculous, super villains and insanely buffed out criminals that say shit like “oh man! I need to pick up a toy for my kids birthday today but I still have to murder at least four

Ya know me and my FiL were having an argue/discussion about NFTs and Crypto and what the FUCK it’s actually useful for and I was suddenly realized they would be fantastic for a Nation Gun Registry in the USA. A full list of a weapons owners permanently imprinted for it’s serial code, an attached barrel marking for

There has never been, and never will be, an apolitical medium. The only way to not be political is some aspect, is to literally have no message at all. FF7? Shinra is literally a shot at corporate greed, control, and disrespect for the planet. FFX shows the dangers of church being merged with the state and how

I’m proud of Bungie for standing firm on this one. I’m glad that they’ve shut down the people calling for them to shut up and stick to games. They are showing that their company values are more than just trite phrases, and that they believe in something.

I mean they are a company that employees women, so you know they do have a stake in their health and well being. Also the men working at that company most likely have mothers, sisters, wives, etc that they care about.