Exactly, adults who enjoy anything outside of their designated age range is frankly weird and creepy.
Exactly, adults who enjoy anything outside of their designated age range is frankly weird and creepy.
I disagree I think they are win win. There are 3 types of customers for a game, those who are 100% going to buy it, maybe they are a fan of the series or developers. Those who are 100% not going to buy it, maybe it’s a genre they don’t care for. And those who might buy it but are on the fence. That’s who demo’s are…
“the only way a demo changes their opinion is they decide NOT to buy it after playing the demo.”
While you’re right in those points, I think demos are sufficiently pro consumer to justify those points.
the new rule wouldn’t apply to VR games
I’m in favor of demos. I miss them. Companies should be excited to show off their new games with hands-on demos.
This game is the source of one of my favorite weird gaming tidbits: The time that the devs had to nerf a gun’s sound for the sake of balance.
Yes, but the follow-on problem is that it can still be very difficult to get proper diagnoses and treatment for severe period pain and the root causes thereof, specifically because so many people, medical professionals included, write it off as “everyone goes through this, deal with it.” Awareness is improving, but…
How come you get to decide when someone’s complaints are invalid? If something’s easy for you, that doesn’t mean it’s easy for other people. You’re demonstrating the exact toxicity I’m talking about.
My read on this is that there are two factors at play. First is about duration, and the second is about consistency.
I m ean, define “excessive.” A lot of women suffer from cramps and other pain that affects their ability to function without endometriosis or a more severe diagnosis. “Excessive pain” is the norm for many (if not most) women, but they just keep on trucking because they don’t have much choice.
Good on them. It’s nice to see companies putting their money where their mouth is and actually enacting policies that promote a more diverse workforce.
I took this video as more of a this is the way it should be used sorta thing. However, as things currently stand, there is a large majority of people who use it to laugh at other people or downplay criticism about the games so even if you don’t use it that way or only use it as a joke with no intended venom behind it…
It’s largely because these guys grew up listening to their dads and grandads joke about being bullying assholes and pulling stunts like this, and how the sheriff would give it a wink and a nod and do nothing, and it would just be a funny story to tell later.
1: Do asshole thing and show it for all to see.
I mean, don’t put your tutorial in a pit next time?
Or, if you want to embrace the Souls humor, put an item on the edge of the pit and when people pick it up have the ground crumble away and knock them down into the tutorial pit. That way on ng+ you’ll know about it and can just ignore the item and walk outside if…
Disney breaks copyright law. -Maybe minor fine
As someone who is indifferent, but leans slightly towards not wanting the souls games to have an easy mode, I’m glad this mod exists. Let people do what they want when the dev doesn’t has to be involved.