I think the killer's identity is irrelevant - and I doubt its going to be something gimmicky like it was Marty or Rust the whole time.
I think the killer's identity is irrelevant - and I doubt its going to be something gimmicky like it was Marty or Rust the whole time.
I love the show and its all b/c of McConaughey. This is a great showcase of the smug atheist and the smug religious guy - they are both full of it. Lastly, I want that blazer McConaughey is wearing in the pic. That is one dapper SOB. This is so much better than the disappointing series 3 of Sherlock
I thought is was one of the better SNL episodes I've seen
to each his own, but this article just seems like click bait
I didn't like the episode mostly b/c it was overly edited. The slow motion scenes, the quit cuts, it was just over the top - during the motorcycle scene to the bonfire I just thought this must be some sort of joke. The greatest tragedy is that Moriarty is gone - that actor was supremely talented
screw you, i like neckties
CLEAR EYES, FULL HEARTS, CAN'T LOSE - this is an awesome casting choice, just need to get John Noble on board as well.
so much photoshop going on in that photo
eh, picked a lousy time to start writing about football. This season, without a doubt, has been one of the most boring NFL seasons in a long time. Even college football, outside of a few gems, has been pretty boring. This season of football just didn't interest me at all.
as a nerd, I used to like this show for the first season or two - it was nice to have some representation on tv - the awkwardness, the interest in sci fi, etc but they jumped the shark shortly thereafter. They pile it on so much, it became ridiculous. Everyone became "cool" except for Raj who is continually…
doesn't explain why he held back - why the long pause?
this movie would have been great if it were edited down to 2 hours. Too many extraneous bits : The gay butler scene was unnecessary as was the following scene where they beat him up. The scene in the park with Jordan and Aunt Emma and their attraction was unnecessary. The bachelor party bit. Did it really matter that…
explain how the entire butler scene - his orgy, getting beat up -was essential to the story ; what about the scene in the park with Jordan and his Aunt, was it really necessary to have a weird attraction between them? The bachelor party? Little things like the intro - changing the car from a red Ferrari to a white one?
1995 was an excellent year, hasn't been topped since
yeah……I never mentioned her participation in teen-lit pictures, just that she is a solid actress, nothing special. You need to turn down your fanboy/stalker attitude.
I was underwhelmed. Jennifer Lawrence was too young to convincingly play her part. Why did the Mexican heritage agent hold back on his Arabic? (other than the script demanded it for dramatic purposes) It wasn't explained why Ritchie was so eager to take down Carmine. Carmine seemed like a good person. As for…
this remake is completely ridiculous - why not just buy the rights to show the bbc version on fox - hype it up as a tv event during the summer - Broadchurch was perfect the way it was - good efficient storytelling.
the explanation is sometimes even blind pigs can find acorns
i find it odd many of the complaints are that this movie didn't provide enough of a peek into a cultural window as compared to A Separation. It may come as a shock to some people, but many people of all cultures deal with similar issues - work, love, etc - not just the white people. What if this director was aiming to…
I don't understand the high praise for Jennifer Lawrence - she is a solid actress but that's it. I don't really see anything too special.