noah's arc reactor

> the considerably well-developed kids in the classroom.

Cha-ching indeed. But wait…he was VERY clear that he doesn't get paid for clicks, so, you know. There's that.

The Operative: I'm sorry. If your quarry goes to ground, leave no ground to go to. You should have taken my offer. Or did you think none of this was your fault?

You could quit commenting, That would ratchet you up a few.

No, but there are some genuinely fun, quotable lines in the OT (alongside a few real clunkers, sure). I can't think of a single line from the prequels that's anywhere near as fun as "I find your lack of faith disturbing," or "The emperor is not as forgiving as I am."

> You picked a fight with me, which glancing around, you're doing with everyone who doesn't like the movies.

No biggie, bro. You know, next time, I'm happy to proof your article before you post it, to help with clarifications and whatnot.

Don't waste your breath. He's either very, very empty-headed, or he's determined to not understand his critics.

Don't be fatuous. You don't think there's any correlation between comments and clicks, and between clicks and $$? This is another example of you going out of your way to miss a point.

Come on, Ian MacDiarmid is gold. I genuinely enjoy everything he does in these films.

I thought Disney didn't buy the rights to the original movies. Am I remembering wrong?

RLM should do a three-installment write up of this essay and subsequent comments.

If you were trying to miss my point, it would be hard to imagine you succeeding more spectacularly.

I wasn't upset by the headline, specifically. But yes, I do think there's a difference between "the prequels are good" and "YOU shouldn't hate the prequels."

I won't! I have it written down right next to my SSN # number.

I appreciate the response, but that's not what you said at all. This comment you have just made is reasonable, if a little empty. But telling people they don't like movies for the reason they think they like them rings mad smug with me.

See, that's the thing…I don't even think you are. There are some fucking great comments in this thread. Not one of them (that I've seen) is yours.

> I appreciate that unlike a lot of these other FOC authors you're actually here trying to respond to people

Looking at your comments in this thread, you seem to not understand a lot of things. You might want to get that checked.

This very response is the smuggiest smug that ever smugged.