
Tell that to Disney Channel. Because my god, does SOMEONE need to.

not to mention they're totally driving the whole Shaquille O'neal guest appearance through our skulls. you don't see Adventure time saying "Watch the new episode with RAINN WILSON!!!"
If that's the only thing the episode has going for it, then it must not be very good.

hahahahahahaha of COURSE not….(runs away)

A BMO fight club would just end up being sweet and adorable, like just about everything else BMO does.

they should make those things into postcards. Or a calendar!

It showed that Jake can be kind of selfish and manipulative if he wants .(Sort of like Bender, but less so)

i wonder if they've used those cyclops tears yet…

i wonder if they've used those cyclops tears yet…

or just time constraints. It can be hard to make 23 minutes of quality media in 7 days. I've noticed that if the show has a long hiatus, it sometimes means a two-parter is on the way.

or just time constraints. It can be hard to make 23 minutes of quality media in 7 days. I've noticed that if the show has a long hiatus, it sometimes means a two-parter is on the way.

I guess it's so they can cram more episodes into the afternoon reruns, where they will sometimes have 2 different shows in the space of a half-hour.

I guess it's so they can cram more episodes into the afternoon reruns, where they will sometimes have 2 different shows in the space of a half-hour.

I'd say Jake's true neutral, because all he wants to do is have fun and relax. He's not motivated by any sort of cause, but rather by stuff like a sandwich.

I'd say Jake's true neutral, because all he wants to do is have fun and relax. He's not motivated by any sort of cause, but rather by stuff like a sandwich.

That horse is whack with poo-brain.

That horse is whack with poo-brain.

I saw it as more like when a little kid tells you they want to be a dinosaur when they grow up. It's just a little too ridiculous to not be funny.

I saw it as more like when a little kid tells you they want to be a dinosaur when they grow up. It's just a little too ridiculous to not be funny.

oh my god you're probably right. they could totally reveal that at the end of season 5.

oh my god you're probably right. they could totally reveal that at the end of season 5.