
I seriously can't believe I missed the whole Alucard thing. Stupid! Stupid!

even in a world as exhilaratingly strange and fantastic as Ooo, people still live sad, mundane lives, and have personal issues. it makes a show that's very disconnected from reality highly relatable.

yeah, that's basically what I always do.

yeah, but remember AT spent about 3 seasons working out the kinks in their show. Steven Universe can only get better from here, and i mean that in a very optimistic way.

it's like me watching myself write: it seems totally cool while I'm writing it, and then four hours later, it has become apparrant that it is, in fact, complete garbage.

Yes, like Teir 15 (which has become my go-to euphamism for sexy time.)

I'd give anything to see the look on their faces when he said his dying wish was a freaking lapdance.

the fact that their world has its own little lexicon of cutesy faux-swear words is just one of the things that gives this show so much depth.

It's stuff like this that makes me a walking fountain of quotes.

hey, the fact you acknowledge it makes you 99% less rancid.

hey, Total Drama has it's flaws, and the most recent season did blow, but I say uncle grandpa is way worse.

yes, but chowder had the whole eye-candy thing going for it. Uncle Grandpa has the sort of cringe-inducing visuals reminiscent of Ren and Stimpy or spongebob, both of which are slightly funnier

it's like a 10-year old kid decided to make a show like adventure time, but they were so obsessed with spongebob and fart jokes and pizza that the end result totally blew.

the AT creative team could do their own freaking channel if they wanted, but CN basically sucks without that beautiful little half-hour on monday evenings

i think they need to do more episodes with gunter's kitty, because it's so damn cute and it must get bored under Ice King's recliner.

and he's doing a helluva job, too.

i wish my gameboy did that. Having to change batteries is the bane of my existance

or They Might Be Giants. I learned a lot from those guys

yea. even "BMO Noire" suggests feminine traits. "Noire" is feminine, while "Noir" is masculine. They really keep us guessing though. (S)he gets pregnant, marries air, and refers to himself as a Little boy. i guess androgyny makes sense in that case.

I wonder how BMO would look as a game boy advanceā€¦