That boy is a Sinatra. Nobody can tell me ANY different.
That boy is a Sinatra. Nobody can tell me ANY different.
If she’s an actress singer and model how is she China’s Kim Kardashian?
I get a good vibe from this guy. I picked Clinton in 1991 and Obama in 2004, and I accurately predicted exactly to what degree each would please and disappointment in turn. I think he’ll have the instincts to move to the left, but I think he’ll make some mistakes along the way, but none being disastrous.
Did Kim really post a picture from her wedding to Kris Humphries?
Yeah I live and work in the hub of Asian birth tourism and that’s absolutely what was happening here. I respect that the reporting is trying to respect the privacy of the mom and baby, but there is absolutely no mention of that baby being quite premature or the Doc mentioning that there were any complications or…
Ok, so I work in insurance because I’m the devil, and I guarantee she’s suing so the kid’s family’s insurance will pay her medical bills. That is the only way she’ll get paid. Home or renters policies typically have low medical payment limits ($1,000 - $10,000) that will be paid regardless of liability, but to tap…
It’s a well-known fact that psychopaths are obsessed with pants-zipping.
Her tweet, her body, her call, imo. If he said it, I’d feel differently.
I got dumped pretty spectacularly, once. My ex-boyfriend’s birthday was four days later. I agonized very briefly over whether I should call him, or send a card, or something, to wish him a happy birthday, but ultimately decided not to.
Over-worked, under paid, under appreciated and surrounded by shitty kids? Yes give that person a firearm.
I teach primary school and male colleagues have told me that everyday stuff female teachers do (giving a student a hug, going into the boy’s bathroom when they’re getting rambunctious, etc.) can turn into an accusation for a male teacher. It’s a very unfair bias, I agree.
Your name is stupid to someone else, somewhere.
First off, I’m relieved this lady will not suffer permanent damage. That’s a small blessing. I had a hard time wrapping my head around this: she had both super glue and eye drops in her purse? And her friend picked the wrong one? That seemed incredibly unlikely. But then there’s this:
I am a big, blubbery, bleeding heart liberal, but this is just ridiculous. There have definitely been some very offensive costumes posted on here, this isn’t one of them.
... is it insensitive to go as a dead lion? Like. I’m genuinely asking this because I really don’t know where the line is anymore.
....did this scientific study just prove that if you want to have a baby, you should have sex?
Also: world’s most simple lyrics. He’s practically “yeah yeah, my dick gets big, then I put it in her vagina. Yeah. She’s a girl. I have a dick. I have sex with my dick.” Lyrical master indeed.
Okay, so, once I got done throwing up in a corner, I have some concerns. Does everyone just stop caring that she’s underage because she’s famous? Are we ready to admit the Kardashian family is pretty sick? Their mother seems to take joy in the fact their claim to fame is sex tapes and duck face.
"But if you can find a girl who you can go to an EDM concert with, have a conversation with, who will sit on the couch and watch you play GTA for three hours—and then you go to bed and have amazing sex? That should be your girlfriend."