Noah Kulwin

Oh, I thought PTI meant "Paid To Irritate" which is exactly how Skip Bayless makes a living.

That's nothing, you should see what this artist does when he really bears down and creates something of lasting merit.

Richard Sherman, a legitimately interesting guy whose story hits on all sorts of intersections of sports and American culture and draws serious interest from the public, is also a first-rate entertainer and—most important—a truly elite football player.

You guy$, before you all jump in here being exce$$ively critical, I ju$t want to $ay that I'm $ure $he ha$ young women'$ be$t intere$t$ at heart. Why el$e would $he put thi$ revi$ed edition out?

"I think the whole thing is a bit Sideways,"

Employee #1: Hey man, you see this email from IT? It says we can now access all our documents and music and whatever from anywhere we log on, as long as we put our data in the "cloud." That's pretty cool.

"I'm not a bigot! I'm not bi-anything! That's fucking disgusting!"

Why does that matter if the cause is just?

Contrary to analysts' opinions, the Wildcat is apparently alive and kicking.

Sorry but I don't support this man and I wish the Black community (and everyone else) would stand up more when Black women and girls are sexually abused.

1. Let's all guess what the most frequently-occurring ballot will be (e.g., four or five names, Maddux/Glavine, etc.)

Vodka Samm. She's got heart. And liver.

Okay, this is an issue I hold dear to me for stupid reasons, and I have to defend my selfies. So I'm just copypasting from a little thing I already had written. Apologies for the long post and its almost narcissistic vibe, but I mean what I say here.

Goodbye, Midwest. Hello, two teams in Los Angeles.

no one ever told me about the dangers of marijuana, or maybe they did and I just forgot. forgot because of the weed or blows to the head? now that's a good question

Don't worry, Richie, in twenty years you won't even remember this or your name.

Pictured: What Sarah Palin Thinks Her Orgasms Look Like

You don't think Frederick Douglas was talking about Trent Richardson being inconsistent on short yardage?

Even for the quotes that are right, it's still pretty despicable that football teams (I'm sure the Browns aren't the only one) use quotes by people that were probably said in the context of fighting slavery or apartheid and not worried about defending Terrell Suggs on 3rd-and-long.