
5 million people die annually worldwide from air pollution. So there is that.

So VW gets assraped for 14.7 billion- that’s a pretty hefty fine- but Wells Fargo participates in a seemingly comparable fraud, one with obvious criminal implications- and gets pegged for $185 million? 

You’re right. No car is any safer than a Smart ForTwo. Except, perhaps, any other car. In fact the only thing less safe has fewer than four wheels.

The entire economy tanked in 2008 thanks to shifty bankers. Nobody went to jail. Wachovia Bank was caught laundering over a hundred million dollars for drug cartels. Nobody went to jail. The Federal Reserve lost 9 trillion dollars.

I’m more worried about the heat exchangers themselves. A small rock doing 60 mph can absolutely puncture the things (ask me how I know).

Doesn’t look like a lot protecting those oil lines under the car from debris, bottoming out, etc.

“Ma’am, do you know why I pulled you over?”

Interesting choice of words to suggest that an innocent person getting shot by police qualifies as ‘mischief’ on their end! The word you are looking for is MURDER.

For real. A police report is fucking gospel even if it contradicts itself. A friend of mine was ticketed for speeding and clocked at an outrageous speed, he tried to get it overturned for insurance purposes and the report said he was “driving his red car “ at 100+ mph. He had a white scion xb, as stated on the ticket

I am sorry, what I see is marauding, destruction and people getting hurt. I can’t see any actual work that is being put into restoring human rights balance. And this public unrest will even further deteriorate perception of brown folks in the community.

Let me explain this to you so because you are either being intentionally obtuse or simply don’t understand. What you are seeing in civil unrest around the country is not “arm chair commentators” reacting to one solitary event or even several, seemingly weekly events of (at best) questionable shootings of brown

Alas, we do not see cops being punished just like any other job. What we see is the increasingly thick and militarized Blue Line, their unions, and their cadre of vocal civilian supporters reflexively defending Every. Single. police action, and their defense being taken at face value. It’s why the donut squad sins

The police’s actions speak louder than our words right now.

The real problem is that, when things go to court, a cop’s word on an incident seems to have more credibility than anyone else’s. While that remains the case, cops derive an advantage from preventing recording.

They haven’t been trustworthy or honest for decades... they’re just not hiding their shit anymore because most of this country is full of brainwashed bootlickers and believe anything cops say.

This^. The additional load of electric equipment powered off the engine’s (police upgraded) alternator, at idle, does not tax the (police upgraded) cooling system.

Cars (even police cars/SUVs) in the hottest parts of the US (ie: not Virginia) stay cool in the middle of summer with the hood shut. I’m all for excuses...but they need to be believable.