As a GM (IT) employee, this hurts to read. Goddammit. And does not surprise me :(
As a GM (IT) employee, this hurts to read. Goddammit. And does not surprise me :(
I firmly believe its coming, but not replacing the C7.
The C7 is a huge investment, a huge success, and they gross around 10 grand a car, making it a huge money maker.
What is absent from the C7 is the ZR1.
I read reports a few years ago that Chevrolet was considering separating the Corvette as a sub-brand.
What makes the…
Alternatively, anyone who’s been to the Corvette factory can tell you why that place needs some upgrades. It looks straight out of 1985 in there.
Not sure how color would improve anything. You can already see at a glance both on the dash and on the shifter. If you're not seeing the existing indication, I'm not sure how a different color would help.
“The team is still unsure as to why this part failed, and work continues to figure out how avoid a similar issue in the future at their German headquarters.”
BTW, this is a shot of our antenna field somebody took about 10 years after I left. It doesn’t show the big directionals but you get the idea. We used to play crab golf out there. You’d take one of the wood canes from the electrical safety board and go out and whack the shit out of the crabs. The donkeys didn’t even…
The air is a publicly shared item. If you fuck with my sleep i, and everyone else, will want to beat your head in and set your business on fire.
Big props to that engine room crew.
Not likely. He was most likely visited by the police for said loud music, then thrown in a cell for something else. Trespassing, refusing to comply with a lawful order, a warrant, you name it. The NYPD is out of their wannabe paramilitary minds but even they’re not foolish enough to throw someone in a cell purely for…
They chased a kid around with a helicopter last night for jumping a subway fare, and killed a guy last year for selling untaxed cigarettes. The NYPD is out of it’s fucking mind.
Did you spend a year at a time there? Because I always said it would be a great place to spend a couple of weeks, but a terrible way to spend a year. I was there in the late 80s so in addition to the lack of fresh food, or change of scenery, or civilians we were also almost completely cut off from the rest of the…
Apparently that ship had boxer engines.
- Yes, Boaty McBoatFace is a great name and should be picked.
Lol, NO.
That’s the thing. People take the attitude that any kind of issue that causes user error is basically a “dumb people” error. Unfortunately that kind of attitude defies human nature. We are conditioned to expect things to work a certain way, especially after spending most of our lives getting that same result. When a…
This is a generic defense of all bad user interfaces.
I like how their fix was mail them an instruction letter. Thats whats wrong with Chrysler, they still think that the world runs on accountability, instead of the reality that if something can be fucked up, it will be fucked up. Design it out. They failed their DFMEA’s.
I think the bigger issue might have been missed.
Toyota SHOULD lose. They don’t take anything they learn from racing and put it in their cars anymore. At least that’s Porsche’s thing. Where is Toyota’s answer to the Focus ST and VW GTI? Where was its response to the Mazdaspeed 3? Where are the performance versions of its down market cars?
So glad to see the Ford GT…
Thank you Porsche for proving beyond reasonable doubt that your cars are more reliable than Toyota’s.