
The problem is even a small percentage is still a lot of people and they have guns and an us-against-them siege mentality. Also many police departments are allowed to keep vehicles confiscated from criminals (something that doesn’t happen in other developed countries), which clearly creates a conflict of interest

This would have never happened if Lamborghini still sold cars with manual trannys.

Bad cops are a very small percentage.

63 mph only? Guess they still exercised caution, better drivers than the FBI!

Good thing it wasn’t the US. The driver would probably either be dead or be held in a cell somewhere charged with contempt of cop, and the business owner would still be fighting an uphill battle against a civil forfeiture claim.

The speakers don’t look half-assed in there, heck it looks like the whole deal is probably removable. And the wheels aren’t THAT bad.

I know what racing is about. I’ve done it! Have you? Or are you just another one fretting over what “we” have to do as you sit on your couch watching on television? I’m fed up to the eye teeth with people that have never so much as sat their backsides in a car telling us what must ne done to protect us from ourselves.

Yes! Motor racing is dangerous. Get over it.

Interesting observation. I have a related story. I was at an Import Lounge meet (a small, closely knit Atlanta-based gearhead community that used to include Rutledge Wood) in... I don’t know, 2005-2006ish maybe? It was a group of mostly Hondas and a few Nissans and the token Toyota or VW. This dude randomly shows up

These are Bosch ... L-Jetronic? K-Jetronic? Either way, if it passes smog, it runs fine.

Now playing

I feel quite Germanic right now, perhaps due to the many pints of Weissbier I consumed last night. Whatever the reason, today I want to buy an E23, roll down the window and pump this all the way up to 11...

...not to mention the ridiculous amount of orange peel in the paint. Maybe modern car build quality and reliability is miles ahead of older cars, but paint quality has gone out the window.

One of the dumbest and frustrating things being an American was the loan forgiveness after WWII and how we use our military spending so our allies don’t have to. We get stealth fighters, they get free college and medical care.

First you create it. Then let others run with it. Eventually the value will go up so you can sue sue sue and collect when it us worth more.

All for the low, low, low price of electing the most vile and unqualified candidate in US history.

Because the screechy old lady & the last man alive that thought the Bolshevik Revolution was a good idea (and was probably there) are all that much better? At least if we elected my dog, the worst sin he commits is maybe pooping in the rose garden or humping the leg of a visiting dignitary.

Thanks very much for the reply, and your view. Age makes such a difference to viewpoint as well as experience, and it really isn’t possible for me to see things through your eyes as you can see things through mine. Your prejudice against American cars is so much fainter and removed than Baby Boomers who are vitriolic

with a 6 cylinder

With a naturally aspirated flat-6! Ha!