
Kingsman is a strange piece of work. Every single comment you’ve read about it is true.

“It’s directed by Brad Bird, starring George Clooney and co-written by Damon Lindelof. It’s a Disney movie about the adventure and promise of the future. And yet, there’s almost nothing there. From the very beginning of the film, ideas and concepts are set up but never fulfilled. “

‘Weight’ implies a dependence on gravity, though. For rocket stuff you need a unit of force that doesn’t have gravity baked into it, hence the newton.

Broken-window fallacy FTW!

Well, he said he’d be back.

Those factors are accounted for when the components are specified. Automotive grade displays and other parts have to be very robust compared to ordinary consumer grade parts.

That isn’t going to happen. 40,000 miles at an average of 20 miles per hour is only 2000 hours, or about 90 days of continuous run time. How many LCDs have you owned that couldn’t be left on for 90 days?

1) Step on gas

D’oh, I got it. Brabus starts with Mercs, not Jeeps.

Valid points, except for the one about analog speedometers. You don’t prefer analog speedos over digital speedos, you prefer them over bad digital speedos.

I’m not familiar with Brabus, but that is a modified (“nicely equipped”) Jeep Wrangler, isn’t it? They’re just taking the whole custom-Jeep thing to an absurd level.

Those were crap-ass cars (how many Granadas are still on the road today?), but that was one hell of an effective ad.

Better order that Cayman now.

What test is this from?

Bomb somebody else’s harbor next time, kthxbye.

You can get Porsche-level speed and power out of a four-cylinder — Porsche proved that with the 951 and 968.

Fortunately, no cops ever carry small quantities of drugs in their cruisers to plant on people who do scumbag things like refuse to give permission for a search. That never happens.

(Shrug) I wouldn’t throw either of them out of my garage for leaking a bit of oil now and then.

Visibility is driven by the compromise between cost and crash regs. To meet side-impact standards without a lot of expensive structural hardware, you need a high beltline.