
What’s very uncool is how in about three different instances the American entertainment media characterized Tom in a way that hit the perfect sweet spot for the typical American: they love celebrity then love to tear it down.

You speak for a very large portion of Americans, and if they’d gotten up off their asses to vote we wouldn’t be on the verge of descending into a (former) world power.

I’m a fan of Gamestop stores and employees but not the company in general due to just this sort of thing over the years.

I ran LP for a national retail store with over thirty stores in four cities. Our company had a very similar business model to Gamestop’s with the only real difference being rentals (this was in Texas from 1988 - 2003).

That’s great and good for you - seriously, I’m glad there are folks with your attitude in the stores. Having said that it doesn’t change the fact that there IS tremendous pressure on employees to manipulate customers in ways that are disingenuous and that pressure comes straight from the circle of life philosophy.

Ya know I appreciate a game finally willing to have the balls (don’t act surpised) to do full on male frontal but dammit if you’re going to do it then commit. Dicks DON’T sway in the breeze for one and two they randomly get hard. I want a character that gets off a horse or up from a chair with a rock hard boner

As long as low information Americans keep filling up Washington with spineless, brainless and ball-less legislators they’re going to continue to spend money on everything BUT infrastructure.

You crave order and then say “this no accident”?!

Then you don’t know either google or law. It IS all public record and available. You just don’t like what it says.

It’s you nutjobs role to rage. We’ll just keep doing what we’ve been doing - pointing at you and laughing.

Uh huh. We’ll see about that.

The ACA - if you check legitimate, factual sources - is already saving billions, in spite of half the states (Republicans) trying to kill it. If they’d taken the 100% free medicaid expansion it would be doing even better. In spite of propaganda it IS still a success and saving money not to mention millions that now

I’m looking forward to it. And Tramp isn’t nearly smart enough to get around it as Obama was.

Full of shit. You really think everyone is as stupid as you and can’t look up who golfed more. Hint - it wasn’t Obama.

Every president before him - especially Bush - took more golfing trips than him by a lot you child. You just regurgitate the lies you’ve learned from other nutjobs that don’t know how to google simple facts. Get bent loser.


Because whether Trump and his adoring flock like it or not the world is leaving oil behind. it’s not a matter of “if” but “when”. Those smart enough to understand that are taking minor hits now rather than playing an impossible game of catch up when the time comes and paying the ultimate cost then. People that

Just what we need, another sycophantic brown nosing company to add even more fuel to his ego. Ford can kiss off one more household.

Please dear Lord let me live long enough to see the: “there’s never been a better ____“ sales slogan banned throughout the galaxy on pain of screaming torture.

Please dear Lord let me live long enough to see the: “there’s never been a better ____“ sales slogan banned

What about the second person?

What about the second person?