
Thank you so much. I was starting to lose faith in Jez commenters... So many dismissing the abuse. :(

Completely agree.

my father has NPD and watching Trump is like reliving the nightmares of my childhood. I have sympathy for Melania.

Research Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Abuse. Victims will stay in a relationship for a long period of time before even realizing what is going on. They are often being Gaslighted and made to believe that they are the crazy ones. Of course she needs to support his ideologies if this is in fact

She needs to put on her big girl panties and realize than no one in the history of abusive relationships has a better opportunity to escape her abuser. Get Katie Holmes in there to advise her.

“I forbid my wife...”

I saw that nasty smirk and I fucking know that smirk. That’s the face of someone who knows they just landed a good threat or a good put down. I fucking hate this guy.

Horrible people can be abused too. Most victims are not pure angels, abused women can be terrible friends or mothers, can be vindictive or just plain assholes, but that doesn’t make the abuse ok. In her case, yes, she is a terrible person. But a lot of us here who’ve been through abuse situations, near abuse

Fair! But since he was inside the Oval Office watching D-rump signing executive orders with that same look on his face, I believe he is just happy as a pig in shit right now.

My fucking god that made me laugh so loud.

“She is just counting the days until he dies...”

Yeah, Kushner’s face didn’t change in the clip up above which is really freaking me out. I love how MO is deep in somber “Lord please smite him now” prayer.

Looks like true love to me:

Narcissists and abusers end up with nothing but contempt for their victims. At the same time that they use subtle (and not so subtle) intimidation and manipulation to control them, they also disdain them for not being “smart” enough to see through the control tactics.

I noticed the exact same thing. They’re trained to kiss his ass, but I 100% believe they both hate him. There is not a person on the planet who could genuinely feel affection for that guy.

Um, one SNL writer? Who was strongly chastised by liberals and conservatives alike? And suspended from her job immediately? There have been articles about it. Did you come here just for that?

Notice how Ivanka does the same thing. They’re all frightened to death of the guy. It’s bizarre.

Poor trophy wife.

My favorite picture someone took from the Seattle march had three middle-aged dads, each with a little girl in a pink pussy hat on his shoulders. These are the dads we need!

I’ve seen so many commenters (Twitter, etc.) say that women were marching for rights they already have. That it’s stupid because Trump hasn’t taken a single thing away from any woman in this country.