
yeah, so... North Carolinian here. first off I hope that people realize that “the state” is not in support of this bill. it was a state-level power-grab (small government republicans at their finest) in response to Charlotte passing a toothless anti-discriminatory “bathroom law” that would allow trans folks—

Um, you know you can be mad about BOTH right???

state agencies that are also faith-based

I was able to stagger all the time in Bloodborne, I’ve never been able to get parrying down in Souls.

You’re a douche

Um my grandma paid me twenty bucks to take pictures of her book store once so I think that makes me a professional, okay.

Oh my God. I can see her wrists. They are so creamy and delicate. And she’s touching herself! A lady never touches herself in public. And is that... YES. It’s a dab of rouge! What a painted harlot. Plus she was posing for a painter, who certainly defiled her the moment they were left alone.

I say knee length skirts don’t take it far enough. We should put girls in burkas.

Good to know that MRAs were just as insufferably whiny in the 1900s are they are now. “Oh no, those uppity women got the right to vote and now they don’t want to be hit!”

Actually, it’s about ethics in gaming journalism.

What's the 19th Century term for the frustration of being unable to correct a dumb typo after and unreasonably small window on Kinja?

Yes, that’s certainly what I look like when I take to my bed. Especially all the flora.

I mean, just 16 years ago, gay women still got murdered on the reg for who they were, abused, discriminated against, etc. and were treated largely as fodder for male titillation or jokes. It’s a lot better than it was, thanks in large part to uh... people who fought a war to introduce justice into our society. Some

I mean, and gay women continued to be marginalized, abused murdered, legally discriminated against while at the same time being treated as a titillating fantasy to sell shit to guys, just sort of propelled along by things like that. But w/e, you’re right, nobody’s feelings got hurt!!

That wonderful feeling when you discover something you never knew you wanted.

You measure progress against a Dark Souls boss according to two metrics: how much health you took off and how long you survived. Over time, both began to tick upward, but the stress was taking its toll. My palms were sweaty, causing my fingers to slip off the buttons. And you know that phenomenon where you say a word

I probably would have felt better about Dark Souls 2 had the levels felt more inspired. I didn’t mind the linear corridors and the dead ends, because even Dark Souls 1 had elements of that, but Dark Souls 1 had some of the richest, deepest atmosphere in a game. Dark Souls 2 just couldn’t compare. They tried, but even

Wait “next-gen” consoles are still capped at 30 fps ?? lol

Do the zombie dragon asses return?

“Death Simulator”