
Fair enough! I'm totally guilty of binge gaming, though. Worst one was when I took Thursday and Friday off from work and figured that I might as well attempt Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance on a difficulty setting above Normal... yeah, I had it mostly done by Sunday *and* I was busy on Saturday so it was basically one

Hmm... I don't think playing a game for 8 hours straight is such a rare thing, especially for young people. Although I'm 30 and have a 7-4 office job, a weekend when I'm not meeting friends for whatever reason will probably be spent playing video games - 8 hours in one sitting is nothing special.

Pffft, that's just amazing. You must be a very fun person!

Hmm... apparently it's the Demilitarized Zone achievement from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance at 0.95%. Interesting, I thought there are less people who did the no-damage runs on bosses, but those seem to be between 1-2%... do realise this is a gaming site, right? What are you even doing here?

I tried it with patch 4 installed and it was pretty meh. Optimisation is still awful and texture pop-in makes me want to gouge my eyes out, but... I suppose it works? If you have a powerful rig that can make up for shitty optimisation with processing power, go for it IMO.

That... is totally not hypocritical at all! Keeping the fun all for yourself, eh... not very nice. :P

Thanks, now I'll know that I have to avoid Szentpéterfa. *blinks*

Nooooo but what about all those fancy super expensive organic fruit-chocolate-mint-rose-cocoa soaps that I'd never buy for myself but really enjoy using... Don't take my soaaaap

Hahaha... to be honest, when I saw this game pop up on Steam I immediately preordered it (come on, a game with Raiden as the protagonist? I need that shit in my life!) without having any idea what to expect - I kinda just went at it without a demo or anything. This game's so shit at explaining itself though. If I

Now that you mention it... I've never tried, but I suppose you could just dodge around his attacks if you really wanted? (Except for the part where he throws things at you, ugh.) I bought this game for a lot of people and I actually taught them how to parry properly - I wish someone could have done the same for me

I was almost too afraid to click that link... I don't know what I was expecting.

I can't fucking wait :D


Eh, to be honest if you get a shitty tat these days it's probably your own fault. Do your research on tattooing in general (what a salon should look like, what equipment they should have etc.), choose a good artist (look up their references and talk to them first - if anything seems off or you don't really like them,

Oh goddamnit that was terrible. Why am I laughing.

I sure hope she got herself an autoclave and doesn't just "sterilise" her equipment by wiping it down or something...

Maybe. It was still clumsy and awkward as fuck :D

Yeah, seriously - especially since you can just set everything up to log in for you automatically. Hell, when I launch Dragon Age Inquisition from Steam, it starts up the Origin client, logs me in and shuts it down automatically when I quit DAI. Oh, and I can use the Steam overlay while I play. Not really such a huge