Ha! I played ToR for a few monts and used the "bigger woman with bigger tits and butt" model. I kinda liked it because it made her look overwhelmingly huge and terrifying, and it was a good look for a Sith warrior.
Ha! I played ToR for a few monts and used the "bigger woman with bigger tits and butt" model. I kinda liked it because it made her look overwhelmingly huge and terrifying, and it was a good look for a Sith warrior.
Eh, I wouldn't mind if this wasn't the trend everywhere, but I do get annoyed after the 74878291757th soldier/warrior lady who looks like she can't even lift her weapon. No biggie, but it's a pattern you notice after a while.
Pretty much. Or give us some sliders so we can adjust our characters - Saints Row did this very well. (It's not really an option for premade protagonists though.)
Interesting that BroShep is so built then and FemShep isn't, no?
Yep. I had the same problem in Skyrim - I have a female Nord warrior who fights in heavy armour and wields two-handed weapons, but the base female model just looks... soft without mods and is completely unconvincing. Fortunately I was able to mod a better body in, but still... warriors! They have muscles!
Oh god yes. That annoyed me to no end - she's supposed to be a super-soldier but she just looked scrawny and soft. (Not that there's anything wrong with that, but that's really not an image you want your soldier character to project...)
That's a relief. I was really worried yesterday since I was looking forward to playing this game a lot and being booted out is a pain in the ass... Let's hope they'll fix it. (Along with the horrid negative mouse acceleration, if possible. One can dream...)
It's kinda sad that you stopped expecting a fully working product on your preferred platform. Most console ports are perfectly enjoyable with kb/m if the developers actually give a fuck about the controls (which they usually don't). I know devs are lazy fucks and won't even bother with putting proper mouse input into…
Controls are... well, the game is playable. It's not as bad as, say, Dark Souls but there is noticeable negative mouse acceleration and I'm not sure yet if the targeting system can make up for it. It's annoying as hell. If they manage to fix that, it'll be just fine.
I need to play this right now. Now, I say!
I think I just had a gritgasm, and not the good kind
Ugh, exactly. Gritty soldiers with gritty camo and gritty buildings and grit, grit everywhere. (Because the 89284967867586 gritty soldier games that are already on the market aren't enough!)
I love how her legs are positioned juuuuust so to cover up her private parts even though she's dead.
I'm normally not really interested in pedicures, but I'd totally go for this method. They're so cute!
That would explain a lot of things...
Why am I laughing so hard.
Yeah, no wonder it bothered you... I'm from a tiny Eastern-European country and have no historical connection to this topic (it's mostly something we learn about from history books and literature), and it still made me really sad and angry as hell. It must have been so much more horrible knowing that your ancestors…
That awkward moment when you're an only child, your parents hate each other so the family doesn't really talk at Christmas AND you're not even Christian... yeah, I'd rather play video games, thank you very much.
Yep. Also, the marker that showed us where to climb needed to go the fuck away - my eyes were drawn to it whether I wanted it or not, and 1: it completely took my attention off the beautiful environments and encouraged me to just run through the platforming parts without even looking around, I had to force my brain to…
Remember Me could have been sooooooo good, it's a shame. I loved it anyway because the worldbuilding was fantastic and the memory remixes were something really unique, but the combat completely ruined it. Such an uninspired, slow and boring fight system - I don't know what they were thinking. Combine that with QTE…