
You manage to have fond memories over something that your mother made sure you and your siblings never felt scared about. Your mother kicks serious ass.

Went to Gettysburg when I was a kid with my mother, my brother, and my grandmother. My grandmother, who can’t drive for shit, drove the whole way and refused to let my mother take the wheel. So we were treated to her constantly stopping on the goddamn interstate to check and see if she had missed her exit, while cars

Does it count if you didn’t fully realize it was awful?

I was about five years old. My mother decides to load four of us kids in the van and take us from Washington State to California, to go to my mom’s cousin’s wedding. While there, we were also going to visit her siblings and go to Disneyland and all sorts of fun

ooh! Ooh! My mom’s family is from S. Florida, so “family vacation” always meant “visit Gramma and Grampa in Ft. Lauderdale. Cool. It has a beach! My grandparents live like, on the damn beach so my brother and I would jump out of the car, throw on a swim suit and run head long into the water on a semi public-ish beach

Damn that mom sounds like a badass. Good for her for standing up for her daughters civil rights. She’s sadly right that it’s the only way we can hold the police accountable. If only every person in her daughters position had a bad ass civil rights attorney mother.

This girl sounds incredibly bad ass, and so does her mother. And fuck the fucking misogynistic media.

“I don’t always stab people, but when I do, I know exactly what they sound like.”

Fuck the Dos Equis guy. This is the most interesting man in the world.

Several impressive ones.

I am a nerd about my fonts and colors. Become totally unhinged at the sight of Comic Sans, and ‘Your the BESTEST!’ facebook posts, but this. This is a a horror show. It cannot be real? It can’t. Please.

Why does this person hate grammar and spelling and good fonts?

A firm yet calm “I don’t want to discuss it” or “That’s not open for discussion” usually stops them in their tracks. You’re not being rude, but you’ve established a firm barrier here. They really can’t push it without looking like an ass.

It says something that the LEAST offensive thing about this is that horrific font.

Using this post as an excuse to declare my love for Schmidt.

The problem is youths.

It started with “Lets” and by the time it got to “envelop,” I stopped breathing. I am dead. SOMEONE AVENGE ME

I can’t even get to how tacky and scuzzy this practice is. I’m not sending money to anyone who can’t fucking spell “envelope” regardless.

On that note, my MOH did this for me and it was HUGELY appreciated: she wrote on the back of each gift-giver's card the full name(s) of the gifter, their address from the front of the card if it was on there, and what they had gifted me with. She kept up with this task as I was opening the gifts. Then when I went to

Not a disaster story, but a tip for any of you who might be mailing out invitations at some point: Assign each household a number and put it on the back of the RSVP card. Some people don't remember to put their own names on the card, or the names are illegible. It also gives you a simple way to sort them so you can