No1 Special

That was exactly my experience.

My name is Kip, and I dragged my then-girlfriend (now wife) to that smoldering dung heap...

One big thing that happens when you share classified information, no matter who you are, is that someone knows you shared it. Maybe only whomever you shared it with knows, but now they know and may share that there’s a leak. Maybe no one knows you shared it, but it’s known that it was shared, so protocol may be

He’d probably think you meant a fig newton.

The good news is that, had he sustained injuries, he would still have top notch health insurance to ease the financial burden as he recovered ...?

What she did was shitty, but I do hope it gets him to thinking about how your health can change in an instant and sometimes that instant has nothing to do with how you’ve

You also have to get the job done no matter how long until the client is satisfied.

The FBI has raided a GOP fund-raising and campaigning company in Maryland. Apparently it’s to do with some corruption in a governor’s race, but the company has (long range-ish) links to Mannafort, and is also a date/targetting operation.

My expectations will never match the circus that is our reality. I’m not going to bother.

Every time something big is going to happen, it just peters out. Nothing ever sticks to Trump, it’s annoying.

...and I’m getting ready to put a Fusion 2.5 in a Mazda 6. Just got the crank bolt torqued yesterday. Good luck!

You guys. You guys.

I kinda figured as much for some of it, except for some of it it’s not about pain, it’s simply not being able to lift due to weakness. I can’t pick up 200lbs of anything right now. Give me a few and I’ll happily sling it around.

Ever heard of friction-stir welding? It’s a really cool process that’s still being developed. LeTourneau University, where I graduated from, has been working on it for a while.

The problem here is that there’s probably a misunderstanding in your home about who is in charge.

You know what?
Let them pass this law.

Sure he could. That’s the thing about Trump: every time you think he’s hit rock bottom, he digs a tunnel underneath it.

In some areas of the world, Philippines comes to mind since I’ve experienced it, Facebook Messenger is considered “free” data. In the Philippines you basically say, “Yes, nasty capitalist and greedy company, take all of my privacy and sell it to third parties, but I’ll gladly do it so I never have to pay for data to

Well sure we could text but then I’m demanding she drop everything and have a conversation with only me. On a social network, she can post a collage of photos with a story for all her friends and family and we have a conversation about it. She’s married, has family in the US who she doesn’t get to see, in-laws and

The heated seats in my folks’ old Accord would sort of turn off after a bit, but once they cooled off enough they’d kick back on again. This didn’t bother me much because if I had turned them on I was really damned cold.

That said, the way they warmed up it could make you feel like you’d just had a trouser related

clutch not found
cd VW_group/partsbin/manual/clutchpedal.deb
sudo engage clutch